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The Grecian Story

Being an Historical Poem, in Five Books. To which is Annex'd The Grove: Consisting of Divers Shorter Poems upon several Subjects. By J. H. [i.e. John Harington]

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Trip'd towards home, whose passage prov'd by chance
Close and obscure, till did small way advance;
When thought o'th' Ring, so long through fear forgot,
Orewhelmed Brain with this departing Plot:
Sad Qualms perplexed her through double Crime;
The King deceiv'd, Rob'd, Cheated then same time.
Was griev'd far more, since might have left that shrouded
Under her Hood and Gloves, till gone o'reclouded.
Thus, dar'd she not go Home least was pursu'd,
There seized on; nor backward course conclude
To tell and trust the Maid: might prove beside
By th' King again or Dardigues descry'd.
She therefore chose this nimblest way, did go,
I'th' joyning Street, to her young School-fellow;
Rich Tradesmans Wife, Delphine call'd; conjur'd
To give Sileuca back that Ring, secur'd
For th' Royal hand; perhaps remaining there;
Or carry strait to th' Court, such Danger, fear.


Delphine came, sent up that Wench with speed;
Sileuca stealing down, o'th' Ring was freed.
Walk'd to Mardiva's Mother then, exprest;
Mardiva prov'd that time her friendly Guest;
And Husband lodg'd two Nights abroad, place free,
(By her desir'd) her Bedfellow would be:
So pray'd her not to expect; alltho design'd
To ease that way Mardiva's troubled mind.