University of Virginia Library

[Seinte Lucie þe holi maide ]

Seinte Lucie þe holi maide in Cisille was ibore
Wel ȝung heo gan to serui God & bileuede synne & hore
Dame Eutice hire moder het þat hire to womman brouȝte
Of such a child wel glad heo was as heo wel ouȝte
So þat hire moder cam an vuel swiþe greuous & longe
For four ȝer heo hadde mid grete pyne þe meneisoun stronge
In fisiciens heo hadde ispend mochedel of hire gode
Ac þer nas non þat miȝte hire hele þat heo ne bledde blod
So þat wel wide in þe lond me tolde of seint Agace
Of miracles þat at hire schryne come þurf Godes grace
In þe cite of Attenes þer þis holi womman lay
Þat folc wende þider þicke boþe niȝ[t] & day
Bi meni þousend togadere of eche lond aboute
Þo seinte Lucie iseȝ aldai of folc so gret route
Moder heo seide þu hauest an vuel swiþe greuous mid alle
& we hureþ aldai miracles of seint Agace falle
Go we forþ þider mid oþere to þe holie seint Agace
& þu schalt þer to hele come þurf oure Louerdes grace
Nou was Lucie stilleliche iturnd to Cristendom
Ac hire moder heþene was & al þat folc þat heo of com
To an heþene man Lucie was iwedded in ȝunghede
Ac naþeles clene maide he wa[s] wiþoute ech fol dede
Hire moder heo nom stilleliche & mid oþer forþ wende
To þe tumbe of seint Agace hire moder lyf to amende
Þo hi were þider icome hi leuede a stounde þere
& hurde þe masse þer a dai wiþ oþere þat þer were
So þat þe godspel was a dai as Lucie vnderstod
Of a womman þat while hadde þe meneisoun of blod
& com & tuochede þe lappe of oure Louerdes cloþ ene
As he wende in grete presse & was hol anon & clene


Leoue moder quaþ Lucie if þu leouest in Holi Churche
& þe wordes of þe godspel & wolt þerafter wurche
Þurf tuochinge of seint Agace tumbe þu worst hol anon
As þe womman was þurf oure Louerd þat after him gan gon
Þo þat folc was al iwend seinte Lucie com
To seinte Agace holi tumbe & hire moder wiþ hire nom
Þer hi leye in here bedes hi nolde þanne gon
So þat Lucie þis maide worþ aslepe anon
Þat holi maide seint Agace fram heuene to hire aliȝte
Wiþ gret cumpaignie of angles hire croune schynde briȝte
Lucie heo seide leoue soster whi trauaillestou so
Whi biddestou me so ȝurne þing þat þu þe silue miȝt do
Þi bileue þat is so god helpeþ þi moder iwis
Anon þurf þe & þi godnisse þi moder iheled is
& also as þis cite is moche ihered þurf me
Also schal þi contrai beo ihered þurf þe
Þo seinte Lucie awok heo gan to quake sore
Moder heo seide þu ert hol þe neþer drede namore
For þe loue of þe holi maide þat þe haþ to hele ibroȝt
Ne fonde þu neuere to bringe me of mi clene þoȝt
Ne let neuere mi spouse in folie mi maidenhod aspille
Ne let me noȝt leose þe longe lyf for a lute fol wille
Ac al þat þu igranted hast to mi spouse ȝyue mid me
Let me hit ȝyue pore men moder ich bidde þe
Þe moder þo heo hol was god womman heo bicom
& þe douȝter þurf þe moder wille al hire god nom
& delde among pore men while hit ilaste oȝt
To him þat hire spouse was þe teþinge was ibroȝt
To seinte Lucie norice he wende & eschte hire faste
What Lucie were so on bicome hire god awei to caste
& whi heo dude hit so awei & whoder heo dude hit bere
Þe norice queynteliche ȝaf þerof answere
& seide to sulle heo haþ ifounde dureworþe þing iwis
Þat is such a þousend worþ as al hire þing is


Þe beste cheffare hit is ibouȝt þat euere man to drouȝ
Woldestou entri þerinne in part þu were riche ynouȝ
Þe cheffare was heueneriche þat þis maide hadde ibouȝt
Þoþer wondrede of þanswere & stod in gret þoȝt
So þat þoþer vnderȝat þat heo Cristine was
In grete wraþþe he tolde fore þe Iustice þat het Pascas
Lucie was wel sone ifet & tofore þe iustise ibroȝt
Maide seide þe iustise what hastou iþoȝt
Bilef he seide þi folie ich rede in alle wise
& to oure godes as riȝt is þu do sacrefise
Ich haue quaþ þis holi maide al þis þreo ȝer ido
Mi sacrefise to Iesu Crist & ȝut ich wole also
Al þat ich hadde ich haue isold & itake am to his lore
& nou ich wole mi bodi þerto take whan þer nis bileued nomore
Ich ȝulde him vp al mi bodi sire Iustise atfore þe
To spene ech lyme in his seruise do what þu wolt bi me
Nou ich wot quaþ þe iustise wharto þu turnest þi mod
For in hordom & in lechours þu hast ispend þi god
& whan þu nast nomore to spene þu saist in þi speche
Þeron þu wolt spene al þi bodi & þerof þu dost preche
For þu spext as an hore strong whan þu wolt forsake
Þi louerd to wham þu ert iwedded & to lechours take
Iwedded ich was to Iesu Crist þis holi maide tolde
Þo ich ifulled was þulke weddin ich wole holde
Ac to hordom þu woldest me bringe whan þu woldest me make
Mi swete spouse Iesu Crist for eni oþer forsake
Þu him schalt forsake quaþ þe iustise haddestou hit iswore
Oþer to comun bordel beo ilad oþer ibore
& þer schal meni a moder child go to licame
& ligge bi þe ech þat wole in hordom & in schame
Nemai no womman quaþ þis maide of hire maidenhod beo ido


For no dede þat me do þat bodi bote hire hurte beo þerto
For þe more aȝe mi wille mi bodi defouled is
Þe clennere is mi maidenhod & þe more mi mede iwis
Þe Iustise let aboute wide into al þe contrai crie
Þat alle þat wolde bi such a fair womman do eni folie
To hire come alle þat wolde for alle heo scholde take
For in bordel heo scholde beo ido & non of hem forsake
He het his men hire nyme faste & to bordel hire lede anon
Alle þat miȝte neȝ hire come hi droȝe faste echon
Hi schoue & droȝe al þat hi miȝte hi nemiȝte hire a fot awinne
Ne make hire icche anne fot of þe stede þat heo was inne
Þo nome hi ropes stronge ynou & to fet & honden tyde
& alle þat miȝte þerneȝ come faste hi drowe & breide
A þousend men mid al here mayn hire one gonne drawe
& euere heo lai as stille as ston hi nemiȝte hire enes wawe
What hou goþ þis quaþ þis Iustise what reisoun mai þis beo
Þat a þousend men nemowe hire enes of þe stede teo
Sire Iustise quaþ þis maide þu huntest aboute noȝt
For þeȝ þu haddest ȝut to hem ten þousend ibroȝt
Ȝut ich wolde beo for ȝou alle ich fele bi me her
Þe holi vers þat seint Dauid saiþ in þe sauter
Þat a þousend men scholde in mi side falle & to grounde beo ibroȝt
& ten þousend in mi riȝt half & me aprochi noȝt
Þerfore hit is al for noȝt þat þu huntest aboute
God is strengere þan þu beo þerfore nabbi no doute
Þu ert wicche quaþ þe Iustise þerof me mot þe bringe
Mi clerkes & myne enchantours bynyme schulle þi wicchinge
His clerkes he let bringe forþ & his enchantours echone
& hi dude here enchantementȝ aboute hire alone
Þo hi hadde ido þat hi couþe þat folc gan eft drawe


& euere heo lai stille as an hul hi nemiȝte hire noȝt enes wawe
Þ[e] Iustise þo he iseȝ þis for wraþþe was wel neȝ wod
Certes he seide hire wicchinge neschal do hire no god
Stronge temes he let fecche of oxen menion
& bringe þer þat maide was & teye to hire echon
He let hem prikie & harli faste hi gonne to drawe & tuicche
& euere lai þis maide stille hi nemiȝte hire enes icche
Wel ich wene wher me miȝte þurf eni lasse drawinge
Eni womman an vrþe nou to suche folie bringe
Ac for alle men nabbeþ noȝt of oxen so god won
Summe þeȝ hit fewe beo mid lasse drawinge wolleþ gon
Certes quaþ þe iustise oþer what we mote do
Wiþ oþer þing we schulle hire welde whan we nemowe noȝt so
Makieþ vpe þe hore as heo lyþ whan we nemowe iwynne hire henne
As strong fur as ȝe mowe make þat heo al forbrenne
Þo þis fur was strong ymaked he sat amidde wel stille
Nemiȝte þat fur hire enes brenne ne harmi worþ a fille
Þo nomen hi & walde pich & brimston wel faste
& vpe hire tendre bodi naked al seoþinge gonne hit caste
& euere sat þis maide stille hit negreuede hire noþing
Ac prechede euere wiþ glade hurte of Iesu heuene king
Þo nuste þe liþere Iustise what he miȝte do more
Whan he nemiȝte þis clene þing ouercome mid his lore
A scherp swerd he let & kene þurf out hire þrote do
To bynyme hire speche & hire holi lyf also
Þo heo was þurfout þe þrote ismyte þe bet heo spac ynouȝ
& prechede ȝurne of Iesu Crist & wel smere louȝ
Ȝe heo seide þat Cristene beoþ glade & bliþe ȝe beo
Nou nebeo ȝe adrad of noþing for gret ioye ich iseo
A ioyful teþinge ich ȝou telle þat soþ is & les noȝt


Þat riȝt nou is Holi Churche in god pees ibroȝt
For oure tuei wiþerewynes þat habbeþ ibeo so ȝare
Beoþ riȝt nou to noȝt ibroȝt ȝe neþore of hem noȝt care
For þe liþere Dioclician þat so moche harm haþ ido
Ipult is out of his kynedom he necomeþ neuere more þerto
& also Maximian þat so liþer haþ ibeo
Riȝt nou deide in liþere deþe ȝe nescholle hem nomore iseo
Þis glade teþinge ich ȝou bringe þeȝ hi fur hunne beo
Ihered beo God þat ich moste [] þis dai alyue iseo
Ich wole ȝou nou bitake Iesu Crist for ich wole fram ȝou wende
Bringeþ me oure Louerdes flesch for þat schal beo myn ende
Preostes wende forþ anon & þat folc þat þer stod
& fette to þis holi maide Godes flesch & his blod
Þo heo hit hadde vnderfonge & hire riȝtes also
& þe oreisouns were alle iseid þat bifulle þerto
Wiþ þe laste word heo ȝaf þe gost as hi amen sede
Angles al ȝare were hire soule to heuene lede
Þer heo is wiþ Iesu Crist in ioye wiþouten ende
Nou God for þe loue of hire ous lete þider wende