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In Asia's Sound I first my Plummet Cast
And fathom there Jerusalem where rose
One Theodore, an image monger vast:
Elias, John. At Ascalon there grows
Demyse, at Majame Cosmas open shows.
At Antioch fifty years vacancy
Is quite remov'd by Jealous Stephen, whom
The Mahomet doth grant them, as Supply
Pious Theophylact him after comes.
Two other then whose Errours doth ---num[.]
At Epiphania in Syria
Brave Cosmas Shines who Images defide
At Laodicea John did display
The Gospell Flag. Then Gilfred it did guide
Then Anastase whom Mahomets annoyde.


At Antioch that of Pisidia
Gregory who did images Condemn
Though after did recant, did bishop play.
Then Basil Tricacab that damned them:
And was exchurch'd by imagemonger men.
At Ephesas brave Theodose down throws
Church images, and did this fact defend.
At Pergamus Pastillas them oppose
Did, and Inger at Nice did Gainst them bend.
Them John of Nicomedia condemnd.
One Gregory Neocesarian
And at Nacolia One Constantine
Hold forth the Gospell light and play the man
Strike Imageworship down, yet did decline
Thereto: yet Constantine recants his Crime.