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The Whole Works of Homer

Prince of Poetts: In his Iliads, and Odysses. Translated according to the Greeke. By Geo: Chapman

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The Argvment.

Vlysses now relates to vs.
The grace he had with AEolus,
Great Guardian of the hollow winds:
Which in a leather bag he binds,
And giues Vlysses; all but one,
Which Zephyre was; who filld alone
Vlysses sailes. The Bag once seene
(While he slept) by Vlysses men;
They thinking, it did gold inclose;
To find it all the winds did lose.
Who backe flew to their guard againe.
Forth saild he; and did next attaine
To where the Læstrigonians dwell.
Where he eleuen ships lost; and fell
On the AEæan coast; whose shore
He sends Eurylochus t'explore,
Diuiding with him halfe his men:
Who go, and turne no more againe;
(All saue Eurylochus, to swine
By Circe turnd.) Their stayes encline
Vlysses to their search; who got
Of Mercurie an Antidote,
(Which Moly was) gainst Circes charmes,
And so auoids his souldiers harmes.
A yeare with Circe all remaine,
And then their natiue formes regaine.
On vtter shores, a time they dwell,
While Ithacus descends to hell.