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See Warren G. Bennis, Changing Organizations (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966); Warren G. Bennis and Philip E. Slater, The Temporary Society (New York: Harper 8c Row, 1968); Warren G. Bennis, "Post Bureaucratic Leadership," Trans-action 6 (July 1969), pp. 45-51; Victor A. Thompson, Modern Organizations (New York: Knopf, 1961).


This assessment of the "Beyond Bureaucracy" school, an assessment which we essentially share, is made by Charles Perrow in Complex Organizations: A Critical Essay (Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1972).


Elihu Katz and S. N. Eisenstadt, "Some Sociological Observations on the Response of Israeli" Organizations to New Immigrants," Administrative Science Quarterly 5 (1960), pp. 113-3.


Riots, Civil and Criminal Disorders (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1968), pp. 2764-65.


The history of the churches' dealing with racial injustice through resolutions is documented in Ernest Q. Campbell and Thomas F. Pettigrew, Christians in Racial Crisis (Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Press, 1959).