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—The Forum and Consul's chair.
Enter two Citizens, meeting.
Sergius; well met! hast heard the news?

What news?

The life of Sylla hath been foully lanced at
By hired assassins! set on, as 'tis said,
By these illustrious Marii, or, at least,
By Marius the younger, who doth rage
'Gainst Sylla, with all venom that together
And love and hate can mingle.

Love and hate!
For what? and whom?

For beauty; and 'gainst him


Would keep it from him! Hark! they 're here; to seek
For justice of the Consul! Now. Stand close!

Enter Tubero with a crowd of Citizens; Lictors drag in a chained Gladiator.
Bring him before him! bring him 'fore the Consul!
We will have justice.

[The crowd cry “Justice, justice!”
There;—place him there. So. (Loudly.)
Caius Marius, Consul!—

The seat of justice is unfill'd, and Rome
Must wait for retribution. 'Twas not thus,
When Rome's patricians fill'd the Curule chair,
And consulship was duty. Oh! he comes;
We suitors are impatient!

Enter Marius and Young Marius. (He sits down; Young Marius stands beside him; the chair is guarded by Lictors and armed men.)
Doth seek for justice—asking it of Rome—
For aught that Rome protects—here let him speak,
For here is justice.


I am glad to hear it,
Lord Consul,—for, methinks—or I must err
Most grossly—Rome protects her citizens
In life and weal—aye, and the innocence
And honour of her matrons and her daughters.
No more o' that. It is no aim of mine
To stir the blood by artful preamble,
Or barter truth for words. I ask for justice.
My life hath been attempted by assassins,
By whom instruct I know not: tho', Lord Consul,
Haply, by your good zeal for law and justice,
That quest may be unravell'd.

Set the man
Before me who has aim'd at this ill deed.
'Tis well.—Now, Lucius Sylla, let me ask,
For such a question justice sure exacts,
Was this a brawl? or stands this man accus'd
Of homicide premeditate—cold murder?

Some ground of quarrel there was sought; no doubt:
That is most true—but sought premeditately.
I say premeditately, and to further


The ends of others;—for what quarrel, sir,
Could this man, this paid bravo, this kept ruffian,
This stall-fed gladiator, have with Sylla?
The wolf can have no quarrel with the lion,
For enmity asks some equality;
And 'tis concluded that the dog is mad
That bays the moon. This, therefore, is a tool
Of some, more great than he; and punishment,
Without enquiry, were but semi-justice.

This is no inquisition. I sit here
As Consul, not accuser. Name the man,
Who hath conspired against you; bring your proof,
And justice shall be done. As for this fellow,
Methinks the Prætor should best deal with him,
He hardly fits the forum.

Are the lives
Of Senators, men who have served their country,
Grown of so little value, that the Prætor
Is judge enough for such?
Now, Jove, avenger!
My bosom bursts if 'tis not out?— (Aloud.)
No, sir,

I make my accusation 'fore the Consul.
The man, who hath conspired against me, stands,


Perhaps too near the judgment-seat; I say it,
For that his name is Marius!

It is false!
Your proofs?—Who knows, that yond man hath my gold?
Who knows from what patrician treasury
It came—perchance to foster some vile brawl,
And wreck the name of Marius? I deny
The baseless accusation.

Lucius Sylla,
T' accuse a son before the judgment-seat,
On which the father sits, is somewhat harsh—
But let that pass. Yet still methinks the proofs,
In such a case, should not consist of words!
What visible motive—living evidence—
Are there for this? Produce them.

Visible motive?—
That hatred which is ever child o' the sense
Of mercy undeserv'd. Ill clemency,
Requited by revenge. This man did violate
The threshold of a noble Roman lady.
I caught him in the deed—and I did spare him.


Gods! Is it then become a crime in Rome,
For Marius to o'er-step patrician thresholds?
Pardon me, sir;—perhaps, I did not know—
Perhaps, I had no reason to believe—
That I was so unwelcome!

Silence, both!
I cannot listen to such controversies
As this appears to be.—
If you have proof
To shew my son did instigate this man,
Produce it. If not, I dismiss this cause.
Words weigh not here: nor sit I here to judge
Of a street brawl!

Oh! Rome, dost thou hear this?
What, shall the sanctity of a matron's door
Be violate—and maiden innocence,
Worst sacrilege! shrink before ruffian rudeness,
And justice be denied us? Caius Marius!
[Marius rises.
No Consul, but a would-be King,
Or worse than that, Dictator! I stand here


For justice. Justice is denied in Rome!
A Roman cannot find it!

You shall have it! Sylla! Sylla!
Down with the Dictator! Down with the Tarquin!

Ho! Lictors, keep the peace. This is a plot.
Beat back the ruffians, Lictors! Am I Consul?
Or is this Rome?

[Sylla's friends draw, and the people join, shouting “Sylla! Sylla! Down with the Dictator!” Marius' party beaten in.
Silence! ungrateful wolves! Here is my breast;
Pierce it, if 't be your pleasure. Nay, shrink not,
This bosom fears not falchions. It hath bled
Too often for you, and it shall not grieve
To end such office! Nay then, farewell! I leave ye
To the masters ye have chosen. Luxury
And Pride, perchance, may bring ye softer hearts;
And selfishness, that deifies e'en baseness,
Deserve the people's love; that people whom
It scorns too much to hate. So be it. I would not
Stay here to mix in civil broil. The world


Hath room enough; and Marius, like the swallow,
Can seek another spring. Follow, me boy.

[Exeunt Marius and his followers.
Drive them out at the gates!
Away with the Tarquins? Some guard Sylla home.

[All cry “Sylla! Sylla!”
I thank you, generous Romans,
For this your kindness. Rome shall be Rome yet,
Or Sylla shall lie low. Friends, I am yours—
And oh! in after time remember this,
'Tis not for Pride that we now strike—but Justice.

[Exeunt Sylla and Citizens.