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Enter Almeyda, gazing on a ring.
Oh! fond memorial of delightful days,
For ever vanish'd! in this little mirror
A thousand fairy visions pass along,
Of love, and bliss!—upon Alonzo's hand,
Mine playful fix'd thee!—ah! why art thou here?
—Com'st thou the pledge of safety and of triumph,
Or the cold legacy of parting nature?
—Oh! still belov'd tho' in the grave I seek thee,
Thus I accept thy gift!—a bridal token!—
Attends the messenger?

(entering disguised.)
He waits thy pleasure.—

Support me heav'n! for ah! that voice should claim,
Long, long, acquaintance with this beating heart!
“—But the charm'd sense in many a various visage,
“Traces a likeness to the one ador'd,
“And hears in ev'ry voice the darling sound!”



Oh grief!—Oh agony!—oh nameless horror!

Lift up thine eyes, my soul! and, like Alonzo,
From this embrace derive a new existence!

(springing from him in terror.)
“How com'st thou here? What evil genius led thee
“To cross yon fatal river?”

“He who led
“Leander, through the deep in midnight horror,
“—But in his welcome; he forgot his danger”—

“Ah! thine is yet unknown”—fly, haste, oh leave me!
Where waits thy train?

Amid the slaughter'd Murcians.
Pride, pomp, and glory, yield to my Almeyda!
In vain would time, or distance, wrest her from me,
She, she alone can shield me in the war,
Or nerve my arm at the fierce battle's onset.
—I knew untold her danger—knew her fate
Requir'd a desperate conquest! that atchiev'd,
I breath'd not till I should o'ertake my father!
—Judge of my feelings when I cross'd his train,
Retiring from this castle—duty—honour
Renown itself gave way to love, and thee—
—I left my officers the pleasing task
T'announce my triumph; and in mean disguise
Unaided and alone, thus reach'd thy presence.
—Ah wherefore reach'd it? Since thine eye repels me?
No more the fond companion to my childhood,
No more the worship'd idol of my youth!
Queen of Granada, now thou stand'st before me!

Oh, hours! oh, days! which never must return
When thus thy accents charm'd me!—my Alonzo,
Thou think'st thou see'st me on my father's throne,
Whole nations smiling when I deign to smile,
Or at my frown dismay'd—how would'st thou feel
If this bright vision vanish'd—if these halls,


O'er-arch'd with gilded roofs, and gaudy sculpture,
Presented only an imperial prison?
“How, if the radiant ensigns of dominion,
“Shrunk into chains?—Alas! more truly such,
“Than e'er I wore when in thy father's palace!”
—Here in Granada—mid my royal kindred,
By councils flatter'd, and an army hail'd!
Almeyda, is a solitary wretch,
No being sympathizes with save you—
You, only you, of all the vast creation!

Whom can'st thou fear, my love, when I am near thee?

Heav'ns think'st thou for myself, I feel this pang?
For thee, for thee, alone, my nature shudders!
“Life has no charm but what your presence gives it,
“Nor death a fear but that your danger causes!”
—And, ah! that danger fearfully appals me!
Cold chills ev'n at this moment counteract,
The joy, the tender joy, I take to see thee!

Art thou not sov'reign? Who shall over-rule thee?

That tyrant who alone permitted thee,
To cross this fatal barrier; which alive
Thou never shalt repass!—thou hast not known him.
“Cow'rs not the dove whene'er the vulture hovers,
“And shrink not I before the fierce Abdallah?
“Ere yet he knew my soul's most tender part
“Ere thy name reach'd him how has he appall'd me
“—I would have been thy fortune, my Alonzo,
“But was ordain'd thy fate!”

Were this fear just,
(Tho' surely 'tis thy fancy's wild creation)
Yet were I safe—alone, and unsuspected,
Have I approach'd thee; and alike unknown
May I retreat—recall once more my father;
Assert the pow'r our victory has given us,
And dictate to this insolent Abdallah!

(rushing on with guards.)
Arrest this slave! we'll see who henceforth dictates!


(clasping his knees.)
Ere yet you speak!—“Ere yet that dreadful voice,
“Denounces all your aspect threatens, pause!
“Oh, pause! and listen to the voice of nature!”
Thro' me Almanzor calls; through me he bids,
Ev'n from the grave commands thee to be humane!

Would'st thou arrest the sentence on these lips,
Avow at once compliance with my will—
—Wilt thou divide thy throne with my Orasmyn,
And shun to death this minion?

Sweet Almeyda,
Degrade not me by this humiliation!—
—I was not born to supplicate a tyrant;
Who poorly plays upon thy sex's weakness.
—Abdallah knows too well the rights of nations,
A father's feelings and a King's resentment,
To dare assail my life.—

Ah! say'st thou, youth?
Art thou so new to life, univers'd in policy,
To think the world need witness our decrees?
Thou, thou thyself, hast shewn me all my pow'r,
Did I not learn from thy own lips, ev'n now,
Unknown, and unassisted, thou art here?
Here, in Granada's confines—in a fortress,
Where tongueless ministers perform my will,
Amid the murky horrors of the night,
And hollow rocks inter the nameless victim!
—Ev'n now death yawns beneath thy feet, a word,
A look, of mine, consigns thee to oblivion!

While I survive?—Ah! how dar'st thou presume it?
—His name—his fate, should echo thro' the world—
To his dear mem'ry, I'd devote my days,
And live but to avenge him.—

Thou too brave me!
Know thou shalt live in vain—thy feeble voice
Tho' truth-inspir'd, as was the Dardan maids,
Like her's shall cry unheeded; nor can aught,
Save him, or thee, but instant, prompt, obedience.


Oh! my too timid he art!—speak, lov'd Alonzo—
There is a brutal fierceness in his nature,
Which mine was born to shrink from!—busy fancy,
Fills up the bloody outline he has drawn,
And sees thee breathless!—murder'd!—

Thus behold me—
Ere to prolong an ignominious being,
I urge thee to debase a noble nature,
Or break a vow to me indissoluble!

(to the guards.)
Drag hence this slave—untold ye know the rest.

[Alonzo is dragg'd off and Almeyda falls at the feet of Abdallah.]
“Oh! yet have mercy!—hear in time my cries!”—
[She rises with majesty.
Insulting tyrant!—dread my desperation!
If thy malignity assail a life,
To which that wildly throbbing in this bosom,
Is valueless, nor fear, nor pride, shall bound me;
I will not rest, till I have found a means
To make my vengeance like thine own—consummate.

Thou art too kind to warn me of thy pur, pose—
“Learn first by what enchantment thou shalt pass
“The bounds my pow'r prescribes thee—in these chambers
“Unpitied—unassisted—shalt thou rage,
“Till thou hast found some surer way to move me.
—The officer on guard?
Enter Hamet, and afterwards Abra.
Hamet, approach—
Thou know'st my temper—if thy life be dear
Guard well the Queen's apartment; nor allow
One being to pass out—not ev'n herself—
—Reasons too cogent for thy knowledge, urge,
This seemingly strict measure—


You are human!
“Oh, hear! yet hear one word.”—

(fiercely to Hamet.)
“Have I not spoke?”
[Hamet retires.
Thou see'st my pow'r—

Burst, burst, at once my heart!
This conflict is too mighty!—do not leave me,
(sees Abdallah returning.)
For dreadful as the sight is, I can never,
Never, survive the moment of thy going—
“—As yet he breathes—as yet my soul dares cherish
“The feeble hope that binds her down to suffer?
“—Harsh as thou look'st—yet nature must have giv'n thee,
“Affections, in their turn, as exquisite,
“As those that rend these heartstrings”—can'st thou then
Oh! can'st thou blight my youth with such a sorrow?
—Precipitate me early to the grave,
And mark life's little interval with frenzy?
—Speak, tell me, thou wilt save him?

(speaks entering.)
That sweet voice,
Strikes on the heart thy cruelty has chill'd,
And, like the lyre of Orpheus, charms the dead!
—In tears Almeyda?—Wherefore this prostration?

(with frenzy.)
—He's murder'd!—lost! no earthly pow'r can save him!
The fiat is pronounc'd, and he must perish!—
—Ah! is it you Orasmyn?—give me language,
May touch this human rock into a heart!

Allow me to partake, to soothe, this anguish—
Oh! give me but to know its secret cause!

Thou soothe it?—Thou partake it?—Mighty Alla!
This is but a refinement on misfortune—
Thou, thou thyself art its first cause—thy love,


Thy selfish, thy ambitious love, undoes me!
Fly, save him, save him—bring him instant hither,
E're yet the life-blood blacken in his cheek,
E're yet those eyes are seal'd in utter darkness,
And I'll forget the past, will pardon all,
Will worship his preserver!—vain—vain prayer
Thou art Abdallah's son!—the dire inheritor,
Of his obdurate nature!—hence, abhor'd!
Oh! for some depth the sun may never pierce,
Where I can waste my being in lamenting!

Danger and death I have fac'd in many a form;
I've leap'd into the deadly breach; and seen
An host of jav'lins quiv'ring at this bosom,
But never knew I fear, despair, till now!
—Follow thy hapless Queen, and in thy soothings
Have better fortune!—agoniz'd—bewilder'd—
[Exit Abra.
I dread I know not what—yet I observ'd
A strangeness in my father's quick departure!
—Too well I know t'atchieve a darling purpose,
He would o'erleap the bounds of truth, and justice.
—Perhaps this youth—yet that's impossible—
Oh! that Almeyda, would enough esteem me,
To trust me with her sorrows!

Re-enter Almeyda, leaning on Abra.
He is gone
Nor can I profit by returning reason,
To win his aid!—Ah! wherefore should I win it?
“Alonzo, now exists but in my memory;
“Yet here I seek him—here shall ever wander,
“Ev'n as the spirits of the dead revisit,
“The spot where they have buried all their treasure.
Here fancy pictures to the mental eye,
“That graceful form, while yet it was corporeal!
“Here last I heard that voice!—oh! might it break,
“The bound 'twixt immortality, and life,
“To charm with heav'n's own eloquence my woes!”


Beseech you, Madam, moderate this grief.
The Prince's life is safe

Safe with Abdallah?

His son, with gen'rous fervour shar'd your sorrow,
And loves you too well, to desert its object.

“Abra, Orasmyn yet has love to learn—
Love turns abhorrent from an act of violence,
“Too deeply wounded with a sorrowing sigh—
“—Love! 'tis our all-refining touch of heav'n;
“Whose kindling emulation ever gives,
“A self-exacted eminence of goodness,
“To vulgar minds unknown!”

“Yet is he safe”—
Ne'er will my brother sacrifice his honour,
Much as he loves Orasmyn, fears Abdallah,
Or stain his soul with murder—

Ah! thy brother?
Is then the officer on guard thy brother?

Rais'd early to distinction by Abdallah,
Under himself he governs in this castle,
To him you are in charge—

Oh! Abra, hear me!
“If e'er your features blossom'd into beauty,
“Beneath the animating eye of love!
“If e'er the throbbing tenant of your bosom,
“Felt the soft impulse of a generous passion,”
If you would not behold your heart's dear choice,
Like mine, the victim of some horrid treason,
And be yourself a miserable maniac,
Oh win your brother, to release Alonzo

Alas! too highly he regards his honor
Nor dare I tempt it.—

Call him instant hither!

He will not yield—sweet Princess, be intreated.

Obey me—nor reply—a weak blind hope.
[Exit Abra.
Still, like the busy mole, essays to work,
Its slow way thro' the heavy weight fall'n here.
(presses her hand on her forehead.


Re-enter Abra with Hamet.
Thou guardian of my life in its best treasure!
Tell me, Alonzo lives?

He lives—as yet—

As yet—Oh heav'n

Alas! it is too sure,
He totters on eternity's dark verge,
Unconscious of his danger—this steep rock
Thro' many a winding path is scoop'd in dens,
Unknown—impenetrable—one o'erhangs,
An arm, which parting from the Guadalquiver,
Deep-plunging seeks an undiscover'd course.—
—There, thro' a fearful chasm wild nature wrought,
Full many a victim to the fears of state,
Has sunk into oblivion.—

Mighty Alla!
The savage utter'd then but the mere truth.
—Thus will assuredly Alonzo perish,
Unless thou save him!

Yet think not ought shall win me to destroy him.

Oh! venture not to say thou want'st the pow'r
Lest sudden frost should burst this swelling heart.

I cannot, dare not disobey Abdallah;
Whose bounty first distinguish'd, still rewards me.

And cannot I distinguish—I reward?
Oh! let me know Alonzo safe, and free,
And thou shalt find I dare assert my rights,
Ev'n till I awe Abdallah!

His nature's fierce—obdurate—uncontroulable—
—Death in its simplest form to man is dreadful,
But when forerun by agony—by torture—
And were I once to wrong his confidence—

Do not I too, know well his barb'rous nature?
—Hast thou a fear applies not to Alonzo?
Thus must he suffer—thus must he expire,
Unless thou'rt won—Alas! that I could barter,


This vain, vain pageantry of regal power,
To be but one hour Hamet.

My touch'd heart,
Ev'n bleeds with sympathy.—

'Tis prophanation,
To mingle in the anguish thou reliev'st not—
—Said I an hour? A few short moments,
Would wast you o'er the river; and once landed,
Nor could Abdallah, nor his vengeance reach you!
—Ramirez, gracious Monarch, would reward,
Protect—adore his son's deliverer!
A grateful nation eye thee with delight,
While thy pure conscience would each plaudit echo!
Ev'n she who sues, one day with pride might call thee,
To fame, to wealth, to greatness!

Did not duty—

Know'st thou one duty stronger than humanity?—
That awful principle by heav'n implanted,
To still the raging of th'impetuous passions,
Or lead the swelling current up to virtue!
—Oh! then be warn'd! and as thou die in peace,
List to the voice of heav'n that speaks thro' me!

Endu'd of heav'n! it does indeed inspire thee!
And be my life, or long, or short, it waits
Henceforward on thy will!

(leaning over him.)
Oh! be it crown'd,
With ev'ry grace, and glory,—may no pain,
No sorrow touch the heart that melts with mercy,
“But such a blessedness possess it here,
“As makes this life the foretaste of a better”
—Oh! from what dire extremes this virtue saves me!
Did I not say, my Abra, I would win him?
Now tell me, Hamet, how thou'lt save my love?

“The will once fix'd, I do not want the pow'r”


“—To me each gate, each dungeon, freely opens;
I will prepare a boat, and when the night
Spreads her dark mantle o'er a drowsy world,
I'll thither lead the Prince, and share his flight.

My guardian angel! who like him benign,
Receiv'st thy sole reward in conscious goodness!
—If (and my heart forebodes some new affliction)
He should deceive me—that—would ascertain it—
Hamet, I have consider'd—and must see him—

The pris'ner Madam?

Ay the Prince Alonzo?

You cannot mean it?

Never more intently!
If thou hast pow'r to free him; thou hast pow'r
To guide me to his dungeon!

Through his guards,
And many a vaulted lab'rinth long, and lonely,
How should our beauteous sov'reign pass securely?

I'll dare the chance!—thy sister's veil shall hide
The splendor of these vestments—now begone,
With circumspection plan Alonzo's flight,
Then haste, and lead me to him—

You must rule—
Yet much I dread this needless enterprise!
—Oh! sister, you've destroy'd me!

Heed him not!
Ne'er will thy Queen desert who truly serves her!
—Oh! Abra, in the hour of mortal peril,
Should'st thou be born to suffer like Almeyda,
May one as gen'rous as thyself arise,
To save thee from a pang more keen than dying!