University of Virginia Library


My lov'd Urania, ever constant Fair,
Whose Presence wou'd adorn the Desart wild,
Since you have grac'd these Plains, and bless'd my Eyes
With thy dear Form, the Lilly fairer blooms,
The Rose now blushes with a lovelyer Red,
And a more chearful Verdure glads the Sight;
The gentle Gales with richer Odours fly
To feast the Scent; from ev'ry Hill and Vale,
From ev'ry Grove, a sweeter Melody
Dys on the ravish'd Ear: the Soul, before
Employ'd in grieving for an absent Love,


Senseless to all that courted her to Pleasure,
Exults, and grows luxurious in Delight.

Now mutual is our Joy: e'en Paradise,
Where all Things fairer bloom, as Sages say,
Without Philander, cou'd afford no Bliss.

Was I, Urania, doom'd from thee to stay,
Tho in Elysium's fairest, sweetest, Bow'rs,
Each Hour to me wou'd seem a tedious Day;
And with thee Ages I shou'd count but Hours.