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A Tragedy

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A Shout within; a triumphant March is sounded: Enter Cæcina, followed by Officers, the Eagles, and Colours, with S. P. Q. R. in large Letters.
This day, my fellow-soldiers, this great day
Has added lustre to the Roman name.
The genius, and good auspices of Rome
Have led us on to conquest; by your valour
Not the foe only, but the rugged nature
Of this wild savage country has been conquer'd.
The castle is reliev'd; now let our friends
Throw wide their gates, and here with grateful hearts
Hail their deliverers.

[The folding Gates are thrown open; the Soldiers march forward, and after them Segestes.]


Segestes, you are welcome; welcome to your friends,
To life, and liberty.

If ardent zeal
By me exerted in the cause of Rome,
Claims your regard, I have not toil'd in vain.

Your zeal is known and felt: Germanicus,
Wise, just, and equitable, and still intent
On all th'events of war, no sooner learn'd
That by Arminius you were here pent up,
Than by his orders with a chosen band,
O'er a long track of moors, and fens, and forests
I march'd to your relief.

The virtues of your chief
I honour, and esteem: He has my thanks.

Of his regard you will have further proof.
For worth like yours new honours are intended.

I want no honours: While I thus address you,
You see a man, who knows nor guilt nor fear.
The Deified Augustus in the class
Of Roman citizens enroll'd my name.
Proud of that title, I have since remain'd
Faithful to Rome, and yet my country's friend,
The friend of Germany. My voice was ever,
For peace with Rome, for harmony, and friendship
Between both nations.

Had your voice been heard—


I had no influence; that flaming brand,
That torch of discord, that ambitious chief,
Arminius, wing'd with the vaunt lightning's speed,
In ev'ry region call'd aloud to arms;
To arms against Segestes, and his friends;
To arms against the Romans: Ev'n now,
He rushes forward, like the lion rouz'd,
Lashing his sides, and goaded on to fury.
'Tis said, he brings all Germany in arms.

To blast his frantic hopes, Germanicus
By rapid marches from the distant Rhine
Comes with his vet'ran troops. Are all your friends
Releas'd from yonder castle?

They went forth
At th'Eastern gate.

Did Segimund, your son,
Endure the hardships of the siege?

With grief,
And burning blushes I recall his name.
He has revolted; three whole years have pass'd
Since last these eyes beheld him. He, I fear,
Has join'd Arminius. Lo! our train of women
Comes forth in slow procession.