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SCENE the last.


SCENE the last.

Oh welcome, welcome, how shall I impart,
The joy this happy meeting gives my heart?
Now Tom in safety stay at home with me,
And never trust again that treach'rous sea.

Excuse me, Sal, while mighty George has foes?
On land, and main, their malice I'll oppose.
But hang this talking, my desires are keen;
You see yon steeple, and know what I mean.


Let fops pretend in flames to melt,
And talk of pangs they never felt;
I speak without disguise, or art,
And with my hand bestow my heart.

Let ladies prudishly deny,
Look cold, and give their thoughts the lye;
I own the passion in my breast,
And long to make my lover blest.

For this the sailor, on the mast,
Endures the cold, and cutting blast;
All dripping wet, wears out the night,
And braves the fury of the fight.

For this the virgin pines, and sighs,
With throbbing heart, and streaming eyes;
Till sweet reverse of joy she proves,
And clasps the faithful lad she loves.


Ye British youths, be brave, you'll find,
The British virgins will be kind;
Protect their beauty from alarms,
And they'll repay you with its charms.