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Now, Lycon, to fruition ripens hope,
Alike my vengeance and ambition triumph.
'Twas thou, my friend, and I must bless thy zeal,
Who fir'd me first to all I have atchiev'd.
Why should I gall rememb'rance with the motives?
A progeny destroy'd—a parent fed
With his own murder'd offspring! O Thyestes!
Well might the radient ruler of the day,
Struck with a sight so horrid, turn his steeds,
And back again, adown the slope of heav'n,
Muffled in darkness, hurry from the sight!
I only 'scap'd of my devoted house—
So Jove decree'd, to be his instrument
Of retribution on the race of Atreus.
Was it not precious havoc? Warm with conquest—
His hopes accomplish'd, and his heart at ease—
A king and hero—round his glitt'ring crown
The laurel twining—so to send the soul
Of Agamemnon to the shades beneath,
To wander there a discontented ghost,
Was worthy hazard—'twas divine revenge!

Regaining thus your right, Mycenæ's crown,
And, from their own example, adding theirs,


The diadem of Argos, nobly rais'd
A doubly triumph on their desolation.

But thy good service unrewarded yet
With aught but grateful thoughts and kind regard,
Reproaches, Lycon, thy too thankless master.
Look round thee then, for all can charm thy wish—
I lay my pow'r, my pomp, my wealth before thee—
As of a father ask, whose ready hand
Would deal unceasing bounties to a son,
The darling of his bosom—Speak, my Lycon.

The conscious sense of having done my duty
Is full reward. Untainted by ambition,
And well-convinc'd that virtue pays herself,
I sought no higher solace.—Yet—

Say on—
Nor wrong my friendship by unkind reserve.

I dare not.

By the Gods! thou shalt—
'Tis my command. Whatever is thy wish,
I call the sacred host of heav'n to witness,
Ev'n to my kingdom's half, it shall be thine.

Let me entreat you urge this theme no farther?


Can'st thou, the only faithful, gen'rous friend
Dominion gave a monarch—can'st thou ask
A boon that I shall hesitate to grant?
No—speak, and make we happy in bestowing.

That I should hope what were a prize for kings,
And own I love so much above my rank
As Agamemnon's daughter—were presumption
Too great for me to hazard—you to pardon.

Bid Æthon instant bring the princess hither.
[Lycon goes out.
By all the joys of friendship, long I've mark'd
Love's fond effects—still wond'ring to behold
Regard I judg'd too partial, ne'er suspecting
The tender motive.—Well was it for her
[Lycon returns.
She had an advocate so near my heart.
Oft when the scope of her impetuous temper
Had wing'd resentment half to desperation,
While high-soar'd vengeance was prepar'd to stoop
And tear her feeble quarry, thou hast stept
'Twixt frantic rashness and fierce-kindling rage,
With lenient guile to ward the bending blow!
Such kindness spoke strong passion; and I bless
The fair occasion fortune now affords
To crown thy wishes with my full concurrence.


O my transported soul! Behold, she comes!
Her looks more mournful than the weeds she wears!
Lamenting excellence! But, from this hour,
Be all thy sorrows and misfortunes chang'd
To scenes of happiness and songs of joy.