Love and Liberty | ||
SCENE changes to the Street.
Enter Prince Ascanio, Alphonso, Mendoza, Cruzier, and Attendants.
Hail you! My belov'd Friends and Companions,
The constant Followers of your injur'd Prince,
You have prov'd this Morn, that not Alberto's Threats,
Nor Prisons, nor Fear of Death, can have the Force
To captivate a noble free-born Soul!
Your bold Attempt upon the Tyrant's Life,
Tho unsuccessful, merits highest Praise,
And by your near Escape, we may conclude
All-seeing Providence smiles on our Design.
Yet let the Disappointments we have fought with
Urge us to grasp with more tenacious Hands
The present glorious, golden Opportunity.
But one thing more is to be regarded
We must redeem Castruchio from his Chains:
His popular Name would animate the City,
And's well-try'd Valour make Success secure.
If there be any here that fears the Event,
(As well I hope there's none) let that Man leave us,
Fear's an infectious Sin, it catches like the Plague.
And damns the Body as it taints the Soul;
Therefore be well resolv'd.
We are resolv'd to live and die for Ascanio.
You are the only Men whom Slavery
Has not inur'd and season'd to the Yoke,
The only generous few who dare resent
The inestimable Loss of Liberty;
This Deed shall mount you to immortal Honours,
Posterity shall gratefully record,
And in aspiring Columns carve your Worth!
The Patriots, the Restorers of lost Naples.
Heroick Prince! We will revenge thy Wrongs,
Thy Father's Blood shall now be well atton'd,
Th'Usurper long has rioted therein,
But shall refund it now with Interest.
Then wait for the glad Signal which I give,
And like bold Curtius leap the Gulph before you,
Devoting Life a Victim to my Country.
Follow, my Fellow-Soldiers, let your Vertues
Buoy up the Freedom of the sinking Nation,
And once more set her in her shining State.
If we are doom'd to die, we suffer nobly!
Eternal Honour either way must wait us,
Like our old Roman Country-men, we have
Triumphant Lawrels, or a glorious Grave.
Enter Prince Ascanio, Alphonso, Mendoza, Cruzier, and Attendants.
Hail you! My belov'd Friends and Companions,
The constant Followers of your injur'd Prince,
Nor Prisons, nor Fear of Death, can have the Force
To captivate a noble free-born Soul!
Your bold Attempt upon the Tyrant's Life,
Tho unsuccessful, merits highest Praise,
And by your near Escape, we may conclude
All-seeing Providence smiles on our Design.
Yet let the Disappointments we have fought with
Urge us to grasp with more tenacious Hands
The present glorious, golden Opportunity.
But one thing more is to be regarded
We must redeem Castruchio from his Chains:
His popular Name would animate the City,
And's well-try'd Valour make Success secure.
If there be any here that fears the Event,
(As well I hope there's none) let that Man leave us,
Fear's an infectious Sin, it catches like the Plague.
And damns the Body as it taints the Soul;
Therefore be well resolv'd.
We are resolv'd to live and die for Ascanio.
You are the only Men whom Slavery
Has not inur'd and season'd to the Yoke,
The only generous few who dare resent
The inestimable Loss of Liberty;
This Deed shall mount you to immortal Honours,
Posterity shall gratefully record,
And in aspiring Columns carve your Worth!
The Patriots, the Restorers of lost Naples.
Heroick Prince! We will revenge thy Wrongs,
Thy Father's Blood shall now be well atton'd,
Th'Usurper long has rioted therein,
But shall refund it now with Interest.
Then wait for the glad Signal which I give,
And like bold Curtius leap the Gulph before you,
Devoting Life a Victim to my Country.
Follow, my Fellow-Soldiers, let your Vertues
Buoy up the Freedom of the sinking Nation,
And once more set her in her shining State.
If we are doom'd to die, we suffer nobly!
Eternal Honour either way must wait us,
Like our old Roman Country-men, we have
Triumphant Lawrels, or a glorious Grave.
Love and Liberty | ||