University of Virginia Library

Scena Quarta

Enter Sly
I'ue rais'd the poysonous humour melancholy,
Which was before in him predominant,
The Doctor must administer, or hee
Quickly growes madd, & 'byd's by't, this to highten
I'ue yett another reach, if that nicks not
Ile make sure worke at last,—Sly—call my Neece

[H'as] Sh[e]'as wept an Ocean, and is to the chyn
in blubberinge billowes of salt teares, I doubt
Shees drounde ere this,

If thou art ever dround the Proverbes cancell'd,

(Sly retornes with Modestina:
Nowe leade you Ladie, I dare not incounter
his fury rampant, passant, guardant, Ile
March in the reare,

Hast thou betrayd mee, must I bide th'affront,?

Nought but the easie hayleshott, of my teares,
Ah Modestina, all my hopes, and aymes,
which for thy sole behoofe, were restles strivinge,
haue fatal yssue, false dissemblinge Wittworth
Is nowe vnbreasted, where lyes lodg'd a hate
As foule, as his pretences were all faire,

Wittworths revolte (were it a trueth)


Could not distract mee more, then doe the tydings
Thus vshur'd by your cariage, you haue charg'd
Mee on yor. Blessinge (wc h dread misterye
You doe vsurpe) that I renounce his suites,
Disharbour all good likeinge, fly converse,
And when even nowe (blest minute) wee were ernest
In intermingling soules, did not you then
Bellowe forth rage, farr from a manly passion?
And is hee soe soone lost, and you soe sadd on't?

Nowe by my subtle Genius shees a wise wench,

Deare Modestina I forgiue thee this,
Thy breach of dutie, those the tender eyes
of thy ill temperd, & rawe vnderstandinge,
with grave experience, neither clear'd, nor strengthn'd,
Cannot pierce dee≼ then the outward shewe,
The vpper guilt of things, but knowe fond girle,
His fortunes, I made question of, that hee
Might testifie them, by the larger Ioyncture,
I thee from him, & him from thee restrain'd,


To keepe him eager, thee from rashe Consent,
I Coyn'd dislikes, to pause thy loue, that it
Might make a moderate progresse from thy heart,
Lastly, my most prophetick rage became
Inhumaine (I confesse) madded to see
The eminent danger of thy greedy graunt,
ere I (laborious to haue made things apt
for thine advancement) had well ≼fected
Myne Aymes, for yssue,

And can consent
By Industrie, and toyle wrought of, and yett
stinted with modestie, and Virgine Lawe,
[After] alter the propertie of faire proceedings?

Womens denyalls whettstones are, that edge
and sharpen mens desires, whilst consent
Dulls even the high swolne appetite, that is
This ages naturall Philosophye;
When hee made tender of [t]his then well meant,
And most affectionated faire salutes,
You sufferd and receiv'd them not, wt h still
And quiett welcome, but incountred,
vied, & revied with stronge rebound of lipp,
Hee found you all soe cun̄inge, that hee vowes
Y'are fitter f[r]or a Brothell, then a wise,
And when even nowe, my anger spake as much,
His sylence gaue consent, else had hee vrg'd
As lowde in your defence,

That I obseru'd in deed, oh me!

[Hee sayes your breath's as noysome as the ayre]
[of the infectious dogg dayes, I belieu't not,]
[Pray lett mee kisse you, that I may disproue him,]
[Ile adventure trust mee.,]

[Oh be not desperate friend,]

[Hee saies besids, you, that take priviledge,]
[To match, wt hout yor. Gardians free consent,]
[(Whoe ought to share yor. dutie as a father)]
[(Had all faults ells noe beinge) hee'd be warye,]


[fearinge you clayme the like prerogative,]
[And quarter for the Breeches,]

[Nowe thou hast nickt a faulte, I must confesse]
[I can pleade noe excuse to]

[Oh rare—Sly—Rascall]

[Hee saies more ore, Yor. gardian's graue, & wise,]
[Sober, discreete, retyr'd, virtuous, deepe,]
[Honest religious, patient, mylde, & easie,]
[(An irreligious Rascall & harshe Villaine,)]

Woemen poore easye soules, well vext, are wrought
To vnadvised mischiefe (duringe spleene)
If temper, wc h in them is rare, guids not
The weakenes of their sex,—I shall make tryall
Heere Neece, pray write Sr Wittworth knowes yor hand,
Ile dictate, saye I forc'd your fondnes,

If what you averre, houlds truth, I loose my selfe
To sue to him that scornes mee, If it be false,


And I be harshe, I iniure him that loues mee,
excuse mee then.,

One lyne, a word or two,

To satisfie you, thus,—
he layes her the paper foulded double & she writes on the nether side aboue
Ther's all, I doe, or write, or say, or thinke,
(exit Mod:

Wittworth I lou'd thee euer,
(hee reades
Add N to ever—soe, Tis nowe
Wittworth I lou'd thee never,
Besides, heer's roome enough, t'ingrosse divorce,
(he vnfoulds
Betweene the fondest Couple, neerest couplinge,
Whoe cannott forge a womans Character,
Nere went to schoole to the Parishe Clarke,

he writes & the whil's enter Mod: he shifts foulds & turnes ye. paper
What are you doeinge Sr.?

A Conceite, a Conceite,

Howe, makeinge addicōns to my Motto Sr.,

She has a villanous quicke eye of hir owne,

Y'are in the right,

I pray lett mee see,

Ile reade it t'ye, & you shall see—howe you like it.
he coynes extempore
Sr, wherein I should ill deserue I mervaile much,
That you scandall mee wt hout a cause I wonder more,
That I haue better merited, I am most assured,
There is one only faulte (if you make it soe) remaines wt h mee incurable
Wittworth I lou'd thee euer,

E'ne what you please Sr,
Exit Mod.

This has other matter,
Sly to Sr. Wittworths hands, deliver theis,
And bringe his answer backe, if it takes, soe,
(exit Sly.
Ells goes each shrubb wt hin my reach to wrack,
ffor like a tall, & well spread Oake, Ile cracke,
And beare downe all about mee,

Exit Vnder: