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A grom gan gredyn gayly on grounde.
Of me, gay Glotoun, gan al hys gale.
I stampe and I styrte and stynt upon stounde,
To a staunche deth I stakyr and stale.
What boyes wyth here belys in my bondys ben bownd,
Boþe here bak and here blod I brewe al to bale.
I fese folke to fyth tyl here flesch fond.
Whanne summe han dronkyn a drawth þei drepyn in a dale;
In me is here mynde.
Mans florchynge flesch,
Fayre, frele, and fresch,
I rape to rewle in a rese
To kloye in my kynde.

In mans kyth I cast me a castel to kepe.
I, Lechery, wyth lykynge, am lovyd in iche a lond.
Wyth my sokelys of swettnesse I sytte and I slepe.
Many berdys I brynge to my byttyr bonde.


In wo and in wrake wyckyd wytys schal wepe
Þat in my wonys wylde wyl not out wende.
Whanne Mankynde is castyn undyr clourys to crepe,
Þanne þo ledrouns for here lykynge I schal al to-schende,
Trewly to tell.
Syr Flesch, now I wende,
Wyth lust in my lende,
To cachyn Mankynde
To þe Devyl of hell.

Ȝa, what seyst þou of Syr Slawth, wyth my soure syth?
Mankynde louyth me wel, wys as I wene.
Men of relygyon I rewle in my ryth;
I lette Goddys seruyse, þe soþe may be sene.
In bedde I brede brothel wyth my berdys bryth;
Lordys, ladys, and lederounnys to my lore leene.
Mekyl of mankynd in my clokys schal be knyth
Tyl deth dryuyth hem down in dalys bedene.
We may non lenger abyde.
Syr Flesch, comly kynge,
In þe is al oure bredynge.
Ȝeue us now þi blyssynge,
For Coveytyse hath cryde.

Glotony and Slawth, farewel in fere,
Louely in londe is now ȝour lesse;
And Lecherye, my dowtyr so dere,
Dapyrly ȝe dresse ȝou so dyngne on desse.
All þre my blyssynge ȝe schal haue here.
Goth now forth and gyue ȝe no fors.
It is no nede ȝou for to lere
To cachyn Mankynd to a careful clos
Fro þe bryth blysse off heuene.
Þe Werld, þe Flesch, and þe Devyl are knowe
Grete lordys, as we wel owe,
And þorwe Mankynd we settyn and sowe
Þe dedly synnys seuene.