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An Original Collection of Songs

sung at the Theatres Royal, Public Concerts &c. &c. By W. T. Moncrieff

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Sung by Mr. Fitzwilliam and Mr. C. Taylor, at all the Public Concerts, Festival Dinners, &c. Air—Mr. Simpkins.”

Oh, Time! how strangs thy changes—
Learning's now become mechanical;
Scientific men and scholars,
Are seized with a sudden panic all.
The lower classes in the classic art,
Are penny-trating low;
And operative learning has
So work'd it's way, it's all the go!
Tol lol lol, &c.
Now, thanks to Doctor Birkbeck,
And Mechanics Institutions,
The state of things are turning
Upside down, by resolutions.
Plain speaking now is banish'd quite,
All patter metaphorical;
Each dirty court is styled a place,
In manner alleygorical!
Tol lol lol, &c.
Our workmen, now, all leave their work,
For verse, without apology;
Now, if you twice your 'prentice teach,
He'll tell you 'tis taught-ology.
Our journeymen, while walking,
Are all studying toe-pography;
And all who sell last dying speeches,
Prate about Buy-ography.
Tol lol lol, &c.
The Barber takes you by the nose,
And talks about Conk-ology;


While Warehousemen, in Thames Street,
Are adepts in Crane-iology.
While Mendicants and Paupers.
Quite consistent in their actions,
While breaking stones upon the road,
Still practise Vulgar Fractions.
Tol lol lol, &c.
Undertakers, o'er their coffins,
The dead languages are studying;
While Dustmen, with the ground work
Of the Arts, their brains are muddying.
Clerks, with Pestalozzian systems
Pester us in lectures prolix—
E'en Waggoners, who up hill go,
Are thinking of High-draw-lics.
Tol lol lol, &c.
O er their sky blue, Milkmen turning pale,
While studying astronomy,
Call pouring on the milky way,
Political Economy.
Our Gardeners cube roots extract,
Tir'd of earth's dull monotony,
And leave to those who re bawling greens,
The genteel art of Botany.
Tol lol lol, &c.
Innkeepers practise double entry,
Just to keep things agoing;
And Carpenters and Sawyers,
Are in Log-arithms knowing
Bricklayers' Lab'rours, to make discoveries,
On their Poles are stopping—
And Butchers, o'er their blocks,
With hic, hec, hoc, are Logic chopping
Tol lol lol, &c.
Among our Sweeps, the climbing boys,
Are, in their garrets, attic all,


While Cats' meat-sellers, from their cellars,
Answer most dog-matical.
O'er their barrows feel the buyers' pulse,
And bawl quite oratorical—
Of their barrow-meters talking,
In manner cat-egorical.
Tol lol lol, &c.
Now Tailors learn subtraction,
For no silly-gisms standing;
While Cobblers labour to improve
The human understanding.
With compound interest in perspective,
Jewish pedlers' traffic all—
And Ostlers, all their horses, for the road,
Clean geo gruffical
Tol lol lol, &c.
Thus knowledge now so common is,
In vain our wits would shirk us—
The Arts are bound apprentices,
Science now's brought to the workhouse.
And learning is so cheap,
No Barber's Clerk complains of scarcity;
Saint Giles will have its College,
Tooley Street its University!
Tol lol lol, &c.