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Irish Poems

By Katharine Tynan

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To Father Edmund Lester, S.J.
O Mary, Queen, and God's Mother,
In Jesu's Name I pray.
Thy heart had seven sad swords, Mother,
The which was thy Son's stay.
Now that my little son must fight
And dragons overthrow;
O Mother of the World's Delight,
Arm him before he go.
For all thy seven-fold wounds, Mother,
And for thy joys full-five,
Keep him within thy bounds, Mother,
And save his soul alive.
For thy Son's sake who could not sin
Send Michael to his aid,
That ere the deadly jousts begin
My son be not dismayed.
Yea, make him thine own knight, Mother,
With sword of living flame,


His banners all of white, Mother,
To bear thy spotless name.
O set thy lilies on his shield,
The which the beast must dread.
Sit thou above the tourney-field
To crown the victor's head.
But if he faint and fall, Mother,
Be thou the first to run.
And in the sight of all, Mother,
Lift him, my little son.
Yea, let his last sight be of thee,
His fight be not in vain,
His last shout be of victory
Although himself be slain.