University of Virginia Library



If dreams were true I would not care
How petulant the stormwinds blew,
How sharply nipt the outer air,
If dreams were true!
No bitter humour harshly torn
From frail desires, fantastic fears,
No savage errors dumbly borne,
No tainted tears,
No hectic hopes of pride or fame,
No sickly ghosts of wan decay,
No plans to prop a falling name
Should pale my day.


But solemn pageants moving slow
To grave melodious delights,
The voice of waters loud or low
On moonlit nights;
And woodlands deep, and secret bowers
Sequestered from the staring day,
Majestic walls and holy towers
In dim array:
And smiling friends who'd softly speak
Not as they will but as I would,—
No torturing curve of brow or cheek,
No fickle mood;—
And ah! my heart's unique desire,
I'd fold your hand, and plead with you;
You of my homage would not tire,
If dreams were true!