University of Virginia Library



“When I awake, I am still with Thee.”
Psalm cxxxix. 18.

When sinks the sun far in the glimmering west,
And shadows lengthen over field and fell,
I lay me down in peace and take my rest,
For Thou in safety, Lord, dost make me dwell.
Thou drawest round the curtains of the night,
And sendest sleep to close my heavy eyes,
Keeping true watch, until the morning light
Reddens the east and steals along the skies.
Meanwhile, within the Everlasting Arms,
Which underneath me lovingly are spread,
I rest secure with Thee from all that harms;
Thy breast a pillow for my weary head.
Sweet is the sleep o'ershadowed by Thy love,
Sweeter the dreams all brightened by Thy grace;
All heaven appears descending from above,
When I in visions see Thy glorious face.


And when the dayspring ripples o'er the lawn,
When pipes the early bird in bush and tree,
And dewdrops turn to diamonds in the dawn,
When I awake, Lord, I am still with Thee.
“With Thee!” this is my first and earliest thought;
“With Thee!” this in my heart finds latest place;
“With Thee!” the consciousness with joy is fraught;
I sleep to wake within Thy sweet embrace.
So shall it be in that, the last long sleep,
When I am laid within my narrow bed,
Thou wilt a tender watch upon me keep,
For precious in Thy sight are all Thy dead.
And when the Easter morning breaks the gloom,
And death and darkness shall for ever flee,
Triumphant rising from the yawning tomb
I shall awake, to know “I'm still with Thee.”