University of Virginia Library



The attribution of this poem is questionable.


When the heart, torn by anguish, awhile seeks to rest
From its wearying watch on the pillow of care;
When by slumber we hope to expel from the breast,
The keen, searching pangs of remorse and despair;—
What Power can hush the tumultuous swell,
Bid the heart cease to flutter, the pale eye to weep?
O! how can the conscience-stung mortal dispel
The visions of horror that sport in his sleep?


“Tis Reason,” says one, “whose unlimited pow'r
“Can disperse the dark clouds that roll over the mind,
“Afford consolation in pain's keenest hour,
“And give the torn heart's sullen cares to the wind.”
But can Reason unburthen the conscience, when Time
Inflicts a fresh pang at each stroke of his wing?—
If Reason has failed in preventing a crime,
It surely must fail in preventing its sting.
“It is Time,” says a second, “whose touch can “efface
“By gradations unnotic'd, the woes of the heart,
“Bid the smiles of contentment illumine the face,
“And the last, lingering vestige of sadness depart.”


But can Time ever cause the sweet streamlet of peace
Again through the breast in its fulness to flow?
Will Memory's intrusive soliloquies cease
At his mandate to torture the aching heart?—No!
'Tis said that in Pleasure repose you will find,
From her cup the oblivion of woe you must seek;
That her nectar alone is the balm of the mind,
Its deep flush the hue that should vermeil the cheek.
Yes! awhile it may banish the phantoms of fear,
But reflection will break through the slightwoven spell;
It will give horror's pangs to her votaries here,
Hereafter will add to the torments of hell.
But others assert that Religion alone
Is the angel to comfort when sorrows annoy,
And when the illusions of Pleasure are flown,
Change her depth of despair to the fulness of joy.


Yes, daughter of Heaven! the sinner's last stay,
As his fainting soul bows to the chastening rod!
When faith and repentance have opened his way,
Thou restor'st the lost sheep to the fold of his God!