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Poems and Songs Humorous, Serious and Satirical

By Alexander Rodger; Edited, with Introduction and Notes by Robert Ford; New and Complete Edition

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O leese me on thee, bonnie bairn!
Sae sweet, sae wise, sae apt to learn.
And true as loadstone to the airn,
Thou dearly, dearly, lo'es me.


Thou'rt just thy daddy's wee-er sel',
Fresh—blooming as the heather bell;
While, blythe as lammie on the fell,
Thy frisking shows thou lo'es me.
Thy comely brow, thy ee's deep blue,
Thy cheek of health's clear rosy hue;
And O! thy little laughing mou',
A' tell me how thou lo'es me.
Reclining softly on this breast,
O how thou mak'st my bosom blest,
To see thee smiling, 'mid thy rest,
And ken how much thou lo'es me.
Wi' mother's e'e I fondly trace
In thee thy daddy's form and face,
Possess'd of every manly grace,
And mair—a heart that lo'es me.
Lang be thou spared, sweet bud, to be
A blessing to thy dad and me;
While some fond mate shall sing to thee,
“Dear laddie, how thou lo'es me.”