University of Virginia Library


What ail ye! what ail ye! ye friends of awd Herry?
Why make us the butt of your envy and scorn?
Why not to the ale-house, and drink and be merry,
And keep away from us, and let us alone!
Why is it? why is it? ye thus are provoked
To see men and women thus weeping for sin?
Or raging with passion, until almost choked,
Because to the old serpent you're so near akin!


You are grieved! you are grieved! to see such destruction;
Your kingdom is falling—and surely must fall;—
Hell moveth its agents to give you instruction—
To bury you living, and carry the pall;
Come forward! come forward! we bid you defiance!
Then blow up your fires, and put on more steam;
On the arm of Omnipotence we have reliance,
Whose sabbaths ye break, and whose name ye blaspheme!
To battle! to battle! then call up your legions,
'Tis long since the seed of the woman was born;
His name is a terror through all your dark regions,
And this is the cause of your envy and scorn!
Ye know it! ye know it! there's something among us,
Would do you some good, if ye could but obtain;
And ye have a Conscience that makes you uneasy;
Because you have heard of The Lamb that was slain!