University of Virginia Library



[Would God I were now by the sea]

’Ηλιβατοις υπο κευθμωσι γενοιμαν,
ινα με πτερουσαν ορνιν
θεος εν πταναις αγελαισιν θειη
αρθειην δ' επι ποντιον
κυμα τας Αδριηνας
ακτας Ηριδανου θ' υδωρ.
Eurip. Hip. 727-752.


Would God I were now by the sea,
By the winding, wet, worn caves,
By the ragged rifts of the rocks;
And that there as a bird I might be
White-winged with the sea-skimming flocks,
Where the spray and the breeze breathe free
O'er the ceaseless mirth of the waves,
And dishevel their loose grey locks.
I would spread my wings on the moist salt air,
And my wide white wings should carry me,
Lifted up, out over the sea,
Carry, I heed not where—
Somewhither far away;
Somewhither far from my hateful home,
Where the breast of the breeze is sprinkled with spray,
Where the restless deep is maddened with glee,
Over the waves' wild ecstasy,
Through the free blown foam.
An. æt. 18.