University of Virginia Library



Is not this the time of flowers,
And of birds that sing?’
‘Here we know the days and hours,
Not the Spring.’
‘Is not this the age for pleasure,
And for holidays?’
‘We have neither ease nor leisure,
Work always.’
‘Are not ripe fruits now in season,
Honey, cream, and cake?’
‘Daily bread for us is reason
Thanks to make.’


‘Are not these the days for playing
On the garden-grass?’
‘We, our daily work delaying,
Starve, alas!’
‘Are not these the nights for wearing
Robes of gossamer?’
‘Summer finds us burdens bearing,
Spite of her.’
‘Are not cool streams flowing whitely,
Water lily lit?’
‘Here within close walls we nightly
Stifling sit.’
‘Is not this the month for lying
In the green leaves' shade?’
‘Summer breezes fresh are flying,
Fast we fade.’


‘Will not Love come here to-morrow,
For bridegroom and bride?’
‘Here Love meaneth pain and sorrow
‘Is not this the time of roses,
Opening red and bright?’
‘In the Chapel one reposes,
Shut and white.’
‘If of good things life bereft us,
What avails the rest?’
‘Still the better things are left us,
And the best.’
‘Are not some among you living
Who can cheer the way?’
‘Yes, their lives in service giving,
Day by day.’


‘Would you not with your rich neighbour
Change, and cast off care?’
‘Christ our poverty and labour
Chose to share.’
‘Refuge have you none, unholpen,
From the strife and din?’
‘Yes, the Church stands always open,
Hushed within.’
‘Is there not one hour suspended
From the hard world's wrong?’
‘Softly sounds when day is ended
‘Would you for fine houses rather
Leave your chambers bare?’
‘Still in secret speaks Our Father
To us there.’


‘Are the days not long and dreary,
And the years afar?’
‘Leaning on Thy breast Thy weary
Children are.’
‘In your conflict have you never
Recompense for loss?’
‘Yes, One Presence with us ever
Bears our cross.’
‘O young feet, ye can but falter
On your road at length!’
‘Still we kneel before the Altar
For fresh strength.’
‘Have not some, O faithful daughters,
Sunk beneath the wave?’
‘One we know in the deep waters,
Swift to save.’


‘Are there not dark hours, too lonely
For all help, at last?’
‘Through the darkest ones Christ only
Holds us fast.’