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By Stephen Phillips: 4th ed

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Backward the prison door is flung,
Without the young wife stands;
While to herself she murmurs with bright eyes,
And over-eager hands.
They brought the young man out to her,
That was so strong erewhile;
Slowly he ventured up to her strange arms
With unrecalling smile.
O like a mother she must lead
His slow and wandering pace;
He stammers to her like a little child,
And wonders in her face.


O like a daughter must she live,
And no wife to him now;
Only remain beside those ailing limbs,
And soothe that agéd brow.
“Husband,” she said, “I had rather closed
Those wild eyes on the bier,
Rather have kissed those lips when they were cold,
Than seen them smile so drear!”