University of Virginia Library


Amid the calm, sequester'd shade,
Sad Melancholy wanders still;
Or, pensive, droops the cheerless maid
Beside the silver, purling rill:
Where Silence holds her placid sway,
Scarce interrupted by the stream;
Or e'en the sigh, that heaves its way
From nurs'd Affliction's troubled dream:
Where fall'n the sculptor's pride is seen,
The moss-rob'd pillar's worn remains;
And mould'ring Grandeur's sullen mien
Derides the skilful artist's pains:
Where, emblematick, falls the bough
Of drooping Sorrow's favour'd tree;
And warm Devotion breathes her vow,
Beneath the veil of secresy:


Where Pity weeps o'er Folly's train,
And Mirth forgets his mad career:
Where Love dares venture to complain,
And Superstition bows to Fear:
Where rarely on the verdant way
The footstep's form appears imprest;
There, whither oft I've wish'd to stray,
Where none my musings might molest!
In pensive thought's abstracted guise,
To brood o'er Disappointment's reign;
Hope's pleasing wish to realize,
In Fancy's light, ideal train!
For Melancholy's mournful reign,
And Sensibility's soft pow'r,
Produce a pleasure, oft, from pain,
And milder make the plaintive hour.