University of Virginia Library




Could the veil of futurity ever be drawn,
Discov'ring our hits and mischances,
How wretched were life, since no morning could dawn
Meeting Hope's sweet enlivening glances!
Some seek in their tea grounds life's downs and its ups.
And others in cards; it must grieve us:
Of the first we may say, they are all in their cups;
To the others, e'en trumps may deceive us.
To the stars others go: 'tis a long way to fly;
To such we'll this caution deliver;
A boy with wax'd pinions, once soaring too high,
Had them molten, and fell in the river.


An astrologer, proud of conversing with stars,
And full of prophetical knowledge,
Profess'd to discover fate's blessings and bars,
Like a doctor of sideral college.
He wanted to marry, and wishing to know
If the planets had any objection—
For, if they were averse, 'twere away time to throw
To convince him he'd any election—
So a figure he cast; saw the planets incline
To favour his views in their answer;
But attach'd to his marriage I know not the sign,
Whether Capricorn, Aries, or Cancer.
Next, he wanted to know—'twas a pertinent view—
Whether constancy's gift were his spouse's;
So he call'd on the stars—as I'd call upon you,
I suppose; as they say stars have houses.


Whate'er his instructions I cannot impart,
My knowledge by ignorance parried;
But he chose out a damsel—young, buxom, and smart;
And, his time being come, they were married.
The honey-moon pass'd amid fondling and jars,
And his wife, who had no common breeding,
Like Hubby, was partial to reading the stars,
Which proves she was fond of light reading.
Hence it chanced, on a time, that his wife ran away;
Which made people whisper and wonder
That he, who of others the fates could pourtray,
In his own should have made such a blunder.
He had call'd on the stars—at their houses, no doubt,
And their followers, sure, they'd not flout 'em—
But, perhaps, when he call'd all the stars were gone out,
So, impatient, he married without 'em.


When his wife ran away he was watching the stars;
To watch her had been better, between us:
He said his misfortune was owing to Mars,
And her flight was the Transit of Venus.