University of Virginia Library



Worshipful patrons of “young nationalities,”
Ardent promoters of “movements of race,”
Learned in Destinies, Forces, Fatalities,
Help us to settle a troublesome case.
For proper bestowing
Of sympathies glowing
We feel a solicitude stronger than words;
So, please, a suggestion
For solving the question
Of what should be thought of the Kurds.
How should it act on our moral economy
Tidings to get of Abdullah the Sheikh


Boldly proclaiming a Kurdish autonomy,
Just as it might be Slavonic or Greek?
This being read of him,
What's to be said of him—
He who this national movement has stirred?
How should we meet it,
How properly treat it—
The raid of this vigorous Kurd?
Turkey we all of us know is “unspeakable;”
Persia is “cruel, corrupt, and effete;”
Should we, then, hope that Abdullah's a Sheikh able
Sultan and Shah and their armies to beat?
Does he, like Hofer,
A tyrant to “go for,”
A sword of deliverance valiantly gird?
Ought we to pray for him?
Ought we to say for him
Go it, my patriot Kurd?


Or shall we check sentimental intensities
While we recall the repute of the tribe,
Persons to whom certain ugly propensities
Common report has been wont to ascribe—
A proneness unpleasant
To harry the peasant,
His homestead to wreck and to seize on his herds,
To ravish and slaughter
Wife, grandam, and daughter—
For that is the way of the Kurds?
Say, shall we then to an infamous State or to
Infamous subjects our favour refuse?
Answer us, sweet casuistic Spectator, do!
Prithee enlighten us, good Daily News!
Let us know whether,
Comparing by feather
These most disagreeably similar birds,
Morality's letter
And spirit go better
With blessing or banning the Kurds.


Can we wish well to the cause of autocracy,
Knowing the sins of the Sultan and Shah?
Can we for triumph of Kurdish democracy—
Triumph of murderous brigands—hurrah?
Or would it be moral,
In view of this quarrel,
Impartial dislike to distribute in thirds:
Two parts of aversion
For Turk and for Persian,
Remainder reserved for the Kurds?