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4. The fourth Part.


O happy Union! (is it done?)
with the Father and Son,
Are we United and made One?
Hosannah in the highest.



Adoption is a precious thing,
made Sons of th'Mighty King,
Most precious Joy from hence doth spring,
Hosannah in the highest.


Communion, Lord, also with Thee;
nay, with th'whole Trinity,
What higher Blessings can there be?
Hosannah in the highest.


We at thy Table sit and Feed,
and have what our Souls need,
And find thy Blood, Lord, Drink indeed,
Hosannah in the highest.


Thou Supst with us, and we with thee,
a joyful sight to see;
Sweet is the Food and Company,
Hosannah in the highest.


Thou sayest, Thy Beloved's mine?
ourselves, Lord, we resign
Up unto thee; for to be Thine;
Hosannah in the highest.