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[Go, Limner,—if with Autumn's varied Realm]

Go, Limner,—if with Autumn's varied Realm
The mimic Canvas e'er presum'd to vie—
Go, mark the Leaves of that Time-hollow'd Elm
Which steal thro' many a Teint, to fade and die.
Say, as the wildest of the sylvan Scene,
That Elm collecting each autumnal Hue,
Waves the pale Vesture of a faded Green
Shot with Heaven's Lightning, to the bleak East View;
Mild o'er its brighter Leaves while Zephyrs blow;
To the drear North while browner Dyes unfold;
And softly sprinkled 'mid the Boughs below
The shadowy Purple mellows into Gold—
Say, has thy happiest Pencil e'er pourtray'd
Such mingled Colors, so reliev'd by Shade?