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Female Poems On Several Occasions

Written by Ephelia. The Second Edition, with large Additions

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The Second Song.

Come quickly Death,
And with thy fatal Dart,
Release that Heart
That hath too long been thy great Rivals Slave:
Oh! stop that Breath
I languish out in pain;
Let me not Sigh in vain,
But quick and gently send me to my Grave.


For since that Swain
That I so dearly prize,
Doth scorn my Sighs,
And break those Sacred Vows to me he gave;
I'le not complain of Mans Inconstancie,
But humbly Beg of thee, with speed and ease,
To send me to my Grave.
And Love I'le still
Adore thy Deity;
And Worship thee?
If to my alter'd Shepherd thou'lt Relate,
Since 'twas his will, I should not call him mine,
I freely can Resign, and Die for him,
And glory in my Fate.