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The Highlanders, and other poems

By Mrs. Grant, Laggan. Second edition

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[All hail! ye frowning terrors of my way]

All hail! ye frowning terrors of my way,
Rude Grampian mountains! crown'd with lasting snow,
No flow'ry vales, or plains with verdure gay,
Could bid my soul with purer joy o'erflow.
Barriers of holy freedom! your stern brow
With guardian frown o'erlooks her last retreat,
When tyrant rapine roam'd the plains below,
Among your winding glens she found a seat


Beyond those dark defiles, thy narrow vale,
Green Laggan! soon shall cheer my weary sight .
Young voices sounding on the mountain gale,
Shall fill this anxious bosom with delight,
While ruddy innocence with raptur'd smile
Shall cling to this fond heart, by absence torn erewhile!

The name of the parish in which the Author lived, one of the wildest and most remote districts in Scotland.