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or, Poems on Several Subjects, Never before Handled. By a Schollar [i.e. Samuel Wesley]

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A Covetous old Fellow having taken occasion to hang himself a little; another comes in, in the nick, and cuts him down; but instead of Thanking him for his Life, he accuses him for spoyling the Rope.

You Dog! y'ha' spoyl'd my Rope! 'twas strong, and tight,
And cost I'me sure a Groat but to 'ther Night;
A good substantial Rope to give its Due,
'Twould hold an hundred heavier Rogues than You.


I'll swear the Peace! I stood in fear o'my Life;
He vi & armis came; he brought a Knife;
With which, tho' I for certain cannot know't,
I doubt the Villain meant to cut my Throat.
How e're he spoil'd my Goods, the best I had,
He cut my Rope I'me sure, and that's as bad;
I'll trounce the Rogue; I'll try from Court to Court,
If there be any Law in England for't:
Must such an Arbitrary Cur as he,
Divest one of ones Right, and Property?
No—if the Judge such tricks as these allows,
A Man shan't hang himself in his own House:
And who dreads not such presidents as that?
Nay, 'tis in vain! I'll ne're referr't, That's flat.
When sweetly dangling 'twixt the Earth and Sky,
I was rappt up in Hempen-Extasie;
(Which all who view'd my lovely Snowt might know,)
When all my dreggs of Man were dropt below:
The envious wretch dragg'd back my Stareing Soul,
Just clambring up against the steepy Pole,
And when with Liberty grown free and Wild,
Chain'd it to a Corps, (an't please ye!) all defil'd,
What Soul alive for both the Indys riches,
Would e're descend to such a pair of Breeches?


Lets hang him up for saving me, and then
If e're I cut him down, e'ne hang me up agen.