University of Virginia Library

XIV. A Song of Praise for Redemption.


O that I had an Angels Tongue,
That I might loudly Sing
The Wonders of Redeeming Love,
To thee my God and King.
But Man, who at the Gates of Hell,
Did pale, and speechless ly,
Must find a Tongue and Time to speak
Or else the Stones will cry.


Let the Redeemed of the Lord
Their thankful Voices raise.
Can we be Dumb, whilst Angels Sing
Our great Redeemers Praise?


Come, Let us joyn with Angels then,
Glory to God on High,
Peace upon Earth, Good will to Men.
Amen, Amen, say I.


Poor Adam's Race was Sathan's prey,
And Dust the Serpent's Food.
We that were doom'd to be devour'd,
Naked and Trembling stood.
A Wise Eternal Pity then
Did helpless Man befriend.
Our Help did in God's Bosom lie,
And thence it did descend.


Love Clothed with Humility,
Built here an House of Clay.
In which it dwelt, and Rescu'd Man;
The Devil lost his Prey.
The spightful Serpent bruis'd Christ's Heel
But then Christ Brake his Head,
And left him Nail'd upon the Cross,
On which his Blood was Shed.



Sing and triumph in boundless Grace,
VVhich thus hath set thee free,
Extol with shouts, my saved Soul,
Thy Saviours love to thee.
Give Endless thanks to God and say,
VVhat love was this in thee,
That thou hast not withheld thy Son,
Thine only Son from Me.


What were Ten thousand Worlds to Him,
Thine Image and delight,
Had we been all cast down to Hell,
Justice had had its Right.
Thy Glory might have been distrain'd,
Our Torments should express,
Thy Pureness, Justice, Might and Truth
And Everlastingness.


Thus, Lord thy dreadful Attributes,
Man might have serv'd to prove:
Thy Glorious Angels would have Sung
The Riches of thy Love.


Would'st thou have active Worshippers,
Besides the Angels Quire?
Millions had Issu'd at thy Word,
As Sparks arise from Fire.


Mans Room had quickly been Supply'd,
For, Lord, at thy Command
A New Creation should appear;
Thy Grace could make them stand,
Or Wouldst thou shew thy Pity, Lord?
Thou might'st have looked then
On Fallen Angels, Fallen Stars,
And not on Fallen Men.


But Fallen Angels must be left,
And Fallen Men must rise,
For this the Son of God must fall,
A Bloody Sacrifice.
Thy Deep and Glorious Councels, Lord,
With Trembling I Adore.
Blessed, thrice blessed be my God,
Blessed for evermore.