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De sancto Blasio

Sein Blase wel clene lyf ladde wiþoute hore
In þe lond of Capadose þis godeman was ibore
For is godnesse Cristen men bissop him wolde make
Nolde he noȝt of such poer ac gan it anon forsake
For he nolde it be[o] in none manere he flei out of londe
To a deop valeiȝe of wildernesse & þare he gan atstonde
Priueliche he wonede þer and hudde him swuþe longe
And seruede oure Louerd wel in penance swuþe stronge
Wilde bestes þat þere were aboute him come þicke
To solaci him for he was one his limes forto licke
Wanne eny of hom sike were to him hy wolde anon
And ar he hom hadde iblessed hy nolde a uot gon
Þe luþer Iustice of þe lond þat het Agricolas
Sende a dai is man anhonte[þ] þer as þis godeman was
And as hi wende hi þoȝte wonder þat hi so ueu deor uonde
Hy bihelde in þe de[o]pe valeie and iseie in þe gronde
Swuþe uale deor aboute a man þat sat him amidde
And bihuld to heueneward is beden forto bidde
Þis bestes alotte to him also in gret þoȝt þis honten were
Hy wende and tolde þe Iustise wat hi seie þere
A het hom wende & seche anon & ȝif hi fonde gon
Eny Cristen man þat hi ssolde byuore him bringe anon
Þo hi come & sein Blas uonde hi seide þou sselt arise
And come wiþ us & speke atom wiþ oure Iustice
Mi le[o]ue sones sein Blas sede ȝe beþ wel wolcome
For nou ich wot þat mi swete Louerd to me haþ game inome
Go we nou vorþ inis name ich wot he wol us lede
Ne bileueþ noȝt to do by me al þat ȝoure maister sede
As hi ladde þis holyman touward þe Iustice
Prechinge he turnde manyman to oure Louerdes seruise
Blinde and deue & dombe also & þat oþer siknesse hadde
Manion he to hele broȝte as me him forþward ladde


Wilde bestes þat sike were to him ourne also
As me him ladde & fette hore hele as hi hadde ofte ido
As a ȝong child et is mete a bon sset in is þrote
Astrangled and ded he lay þo it was in issote
Nanmo children nadde is moder gret de[o]l he[o] made mid alle
And touore him he[o] bar þat child & tofore is vet gan ualle
And bad he ssolde hure sone hele þis godeman is hond nom
And blessede it & þat bon out sset & þat child hol bicom
Louerd sede þis godeman grante me mi bone
Þat man in þulke uuel þe bit ihure him Louerd sone
Ȝif he seiþ wordes to þe Louerd Crist þin ore
For loue of sein Blas[e] þi sergant helpe us of þis sore
To þe worssipe of þin holy name wo so bit oure Louerd þis bone
For loue of sein Blas[e] in god entente he worþ ihurd sone
Þere fore ich rede ȝif enyman in such cas is ibroȝt
Of child oþer eny oþer þing þat he ne forȝute it noȝt
A pouere womman þer was also þat bote o sowe nadde
A wolf awey to wode hure drou on sein Blas[e] loude he[o] gradde
Þat he helpe hure of hure sowe sein Blas[e] lou anon
Ne drede þe noȝt of þe wolf þei he be[o] a luþer swon
Abid maister he sede & come aȝen & bring us þe sowe nou
Þe pouere womman haþ þerto betere riȝt þan þou
Þis wilde best com urne aȝen & þis sowe adoun leide
Al harmles atte widue uet as sein Blas[e] hym seide
For þer nas no wilde best þat he nadde to is heste
For he hom helde as ȝe hureþ & hi made wiþ him gret feste
Þe Iustice þo he biuore him com welcome Blas[e] he sede


Þat [as] oure frend oure godes louest hi wolleþ þe wisse & rede
Hail be[o] þu Iustice sein Blas[e] sede & alle þat þe iseoþ
Ne clupe noȝt þine godes so vair name for pur deuelen it beoþ
For hi and wo so on hom biluueþ ssolleþ in helle pine
Itormented be[o] ene and euere þe louerd & eke þe hine
Þis Iustice for wraþþe anon he let him strupe naked
& wiþ harde scorgen legge him on moni wonde him was ymaked
Euere [h]e sede as me him bet ȝe ne turneþ noȝt þus mi þoȝt
For mi swete Louerd is myn help i nedrede of ȝou riȝt noȝt
Þo hi him hadde longe ibete þat hi weri were
Hi him dude in strong prison to tormenti þere
Þe womman þat sein Blas[e] hadde hure sowe of þe wolf inome
Þo þat he in prisone was & þe tiþinge hure was icome
He[o] slou þe swyn & bar sein Blas[e] þe heued & þe uet
To þe prisone wel isode and þe god man þerof et
And a candil þer wiþ also to ȝiue þe godeman siȝt
Þat he miȝte iseo to ete is mete for þer nas non oþer liȝt
Þou womman he sede for þi cundehede þat þou me hast nou do
Wyxe & eche þi bestes ssolleþ & þin oþer god also
And euerich man here afterward þat haþ of me munde
And honureþ me mid eny of is orf al þulke bestes cunde
Proui it ssel þe bet wiþ him & al þat comeþ to
Akne[o] he bit oure Louerd Crist þat it moste be[o] so
Þere uore wanne a mannes orf þat ne mai noȝt wel iþe[o]
Ich rede him parte wiþ sein Blase & þe bet hom ssel be[o]


Touore þe Iustice anoþer day sein Blase was ibroȝt
Þo he sei þat he nemiȝte aȝen God turne is þoȝt
Wiþ ropes hi gonne him binde on a tre byneþe þer stode inowe
Tormentors wiþ kene oules and al is fleyss to drowe
As me draweþ wiþ combes wolle his fleiss þer wiþ hy tere
Euere prechede þis godeman as him noþing nere
Þo he nemiȝte him ouercome to prison [he] him bere
For is limes him nolde bere so hy to drawe were
As me bar þis holyman he stremede al ablode
Seue wymmen þat Cristene were bihe[o]lde þis as hi stode
Hi wende and gaderede of þat blod for hi it helde relike
And smurede hom þerwiþ & weste som to helpe þerwiþ þe sike
Þo þe luþer men iseie þis faste hy hom toke
And bede hom onury hare godes and hi it forsoke
And seide ȝoure godes vnclene be[o]þ þer uore ȝe mote us lene
And bringe hom ȝen[d] to þe clene water & we hom wolleþ wasse clene
And honuri hom wiþ riȝte wiþ þat hi us wel rede
Þe Iustice vauwe nom is godes & to þe water let lede
Þe wymmen hom nome anon þo hy were þuder biswonke
And caste hom amidde þe deope water to gronde anon hi sonke
Biddeþ hi seide hom sulue helpe hore miȝte be[o]þ wel stronge
Wy ne comeþ hi up to helpe ȝou ich wene hi beeþ fordronke
Wiþ hokes and polles þis wretche men hore godes faste soȝte
Wiþ dreori chere & vnneþe hi hom to londe broȝte


Þis Iustice was þo for wraþþe wod loude he gradde & chidde
A strang fur and gret inou he made & þis wymmen caste amidde
Bollinge led hi lete drowe on ham vnneþe hit þoȝte hom warm
And þat fur bigan to quenche anon þat hi nadde non harm
Wel wroþ was þe Iustice he gradde loude inou
He let hom honge uppon a tre as me sein Blase todrou
Wiþ oules hi to drowe hore vleiss as hy byneþe stode
Wiȝt milk it was þat com of hom as in stude of blode
Euere þe more me hom to drou þe gladdore hi were
Iustice hi sede it is for noȝt þu ne quellest us to ȝere
Ȝif þou wolt do us oþer þing bringe it sone to ende
Þat we mote to Iesu Crist as we wilneþ wende
Þis Iustice het þat me ssolde hore heued smite of anon
Þis wymmen toward hore martirdom wel gladlich gan gon
Þe on womman hadde tweie sones þat Cristene were also
Hi wope for hore moder deþ hi nuste neuere wat do
Hi honge on hure and nolde a uot fram hore moder gon
Hi swore hi wolde þane deþ auonge wiþ hure þer anon
Gret deol hadde þe moder of hom for of non elde hy nere
He[o] nemiȝte for noþing it ise[o] þat hy ymartred were
For þe moder heorte was euere tendre and euere more ssel be[o]
Wo so couþe of eny deol þer me miȝte ise[o]
He[o] cride on þe tormentors þat hom ne ssolde asle
And hi hom lete for ȝonghede to liue gon aȝe
Hy nome þis wymmen & smite of hore heueden alle seuene
Þe angles wel ȝare come and þe soulen bere to heuene
Þe children gret deol for hore moder made in alle wise


Þo hi nolde hom wiþ hure asle hi ourne to þe Iustise
And seide þat hi Cristene were and þat is lawe nas naȝt
And he ssolde mid is godes in þe pine of helle be[o] broȝt
Þe Iustice let þe children nyme þei hy ȝonge were
In deop prison he let hom caste to tormenty hom þere
Glade were þis ȝonge þinges þo hi were inome
For hy hopede ymartred be[o] & to þe ioie of heuene come
Þo let þe Iustice anon after sein Blase sende
And bad him onury hore godes and is þoȝt sone wende
Sein Blase sede it is for noȝt þou ne sselt it neuere make
Me to honury wrecche stones and Iesu Crist forsake
Do mid mi bodi wat þou wolt on wan þou hast poer
For of mi soule nastou non for hi ne be[o]þ noȝt per
Þer was a water swuþe ney þe Iustice attelaste
Forto adrenche þis holyman amidde he let him caste
Sein Blase him gan to blesse & ope þe water ȝeode al drie
Vp and doun as a drie londe nemiȝte þat water him nuye
Wrecches he sede her ȝe se[o]þ wuch is Godes miȝte
Be[o] ȝe so hardi up ȝoure godes hider come aliȝte
Viue & sixti proute hine hupte in þe water anon
And triste to muche to hore godes & adreinte echon
Þo were þe oþere þe arwere wel sori hi stode
Þere ne dorste namo to him come for þe deope vlode
Sein Blase ȝeode þer up and doun an angel to him com
And sede tak þe þe blisse of heuene þoru þi martirdom
Þis godeman þonkede Iesu Crist þat þis angel to him sende
& þe oþer ne dorste come no ner to hom alonde he wende
He sede wanne ȝe be[o]þ adrad forto go to me
Ich come to ȝou a Godes name for inelle ȝou neuere vle[o]
Þo sson is face as þe sonne wiþ leome swuþe briȝte


Non of hom for briȝte leome is face ise[o] nemiȝte
Þere were eiȝte and sixti men and twenti men also
Þat biluuede on God for þe miracle þat he hadde þer ido
Inome hi were wiþ sein Blase & touore þe Iustice ibroȝt
Þe Iustice het sein Blase & hom to changi ȝute hare þoȝt
Þo he sei þat hi it nolde do he het is men anon
To smite of wiþoute toun hore heueden euerichon
Þis tweie children in prison loude hi gonne to grede
Þat me ssolde hom to martirdom wiþ sein Blase lede
Hy seide warto wolde ȝe leng us witie in þis heorne
For noȝt it is ȝef ȝe weneþ oure þoȝt to þe turne
Þe children me nom & ladde hom forþ wiþ oþere to martirdom
Sein Blase sat adoun akne[o] þo he þuder com
Louerd he seide ȝif it is þi wille anne bone bidde ich þe
Ȝif enyman haþ in any [tyme] gode munde of me
In cas of peril oþer of vuel oþer þer is yssote
Bon oþer croume oþer oþer þing in eni mannes þrote
And he bidde min help to þe bidaie oþer biniȝte
Ich bidde þe grante me mi bone for þine holy miȝte
Ȝif a man assigneþ oȝt of his in honur of me
Of corn of orf of oþer þing Louerd bidde ich þe
Þat al is þing þe betere preoue for þin holi miȝte
Þer com fram heuene a briȝt mist & anouwarde him aliȝte
Þer inne oure Louerd liȝte adoun to þis holyman he sede
Be[o] glad Blase mi leoue frend of deþe naue no drede
Al þine bone ich grante þe þat þou hast ibede here
Hie nou & come wiþ me þou & þine triwe uere
Sein Blase was glad þo oure Louerd grantede him is bone
Doþ he sede to þe tormentors wat ȝe habbeþ to done
Þe tormentors smite of is heued & al is feren also
And þe twei children þat glade were þo hi miȝte come þerto


Sebasti het þe cite [þer] sein Blase was ibore
And is heued ek þerof ysmite him ne ssameþ noȝt þeruore
Þe bone þat he hadde ibede Cristen men vnderstode
And in honurance of sein Blase partede of hore gode
And þe bet preuede al hore god & ȝute me deþ also
In þe contreie þer he is iknowe & hi uyndeþ it wel ido
And wo euere is in gode liue & to sein Blase wol crie
& ȝiue of is gode for Godes loue God nel noȝt for him liȝe
Nou God leoue þat we parti mote of þe heiȝe blisse
Þat sein Blase is inne ibroȝt and þerof neuere ne misse