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The Hymnes and Songs of the Chvrch

Diuided into two parts. The first part comprehends the Canonicall Hymnes, and such parcels of Holy Scripture, as may properly be sung, with some other ancient Songs and Creeds. The second part consists of Spirituall Songs, appropriated to the seuerall Times and Occasions obserueable in the Church of England. Translated and Composed by G. VV. [i.e. George Wither]

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SONG XVIII. The tenth Canticle. Who's this, that leaning on her Friend
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SONG XVIII. The tenth Canticle. Who's this, that leaning on her Friend


Who's this, that leaning on her Friend,
Doth from the Wildernes ascend?


Mind how I raised thee,
Eu'n where thy Mother thee conceiu'd,
(where shee that broght thee forth conceiu'd)
beneath an Appletree.


Me in thy heart engrauen beare,
And Seale-like on thy handwrist weare;
For, Loue is strong as Death:
Fierce as the Graue is Iealousie:
The coales thereof doe burning lye;
And furious flames it hath.


Much water, cannot coole Loues flame:


No floods haue power to quēch the same.
For Loue so high is priz'd,
That who to buy it would assay
Though all his wealth hee gaue away,
It would be all despiz'd.


Wee haue a Sister scarcely growne;
For, she is such a little one,
That yet no Breasts hath shee.
What thing shall wee now vndertake,
To doe for this our Sisters sake,
If spoken for she be?


If that a Wall she doe appeare,
Wee Turrets vpon her will reare,
And Pallaces of Plate;
And then with bordes of Cædar-tree,
Enclose, and fence her in will we,
If that she be a Gate.


A Wall already built I am;
And now my Breasts vpon the same
Doe Turret-like arise:
Since when, as one that findeth rest,
(And is of setled peace possest)
I seemed in his eyes.


A Vineyard hath King Salomon:
This Vineyard is at Baal-hammon,
Which he to Keepers put:
And eu'ry one that therein wrought,
A thousand siluer-peeces brought,


And gaue him for the fruit.


My Vineyard which belongs to mee,
Eu'n I my selfe doe ouersee.
To thee, Oh Salomon,
A thousand fold doth appertaine;
And, those that keep the same, shall gaine
Two hundred-fold for one.


Thou, whose abode the Gardens are,
(Thy Fellowes vnto thee giue eare)
Cause me to heare thy voyce;
And let my Loue as swiftly goe,
As doth a Hart or nimble Roe,
Vpon the Hills of Spice.