The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule Set foorth by Sir William Leighton |
An Euening Meditation.
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The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule | ||
An Euening Meditation.
Ile lie me downe to sleepe in peace,for thou Lord only mak'st me dwell
In saftie with great quietnes,
and do'st ill dreames from me expell.
My body to innormitie,is subiect, without rest and sleepe:
Because of mine infirmitie,
my life and health it cannot keepe.
Good father all sufficient,my louing God, I yeelde thee praise:
For this dayes blessings to me sent,
and guiding me in all my waies.
In that thou hast this day now past,me strongly guarded with thy handes
With loue refresh't me, first and last,
with mercies more thē sea shore sandes
That hast me brought to this daies end(blacke night & darknes drawing neere)
Wherein all creatures rest attend,
and lay them downe t'il day appeare.
I finding my debilitie,poore creature, run to thee Diuine:
Oh strengt'h mine imbecilitie,
and ayde this soule and body mine.
Thou hast me made of matter grosse,and brittle substance out of clay:
Which still is subiect to the crosse,
a tennis ball for worldlings play.
He wanting comfort cannot liue,(after great sorrow and much griefe)
Therefore I doe my body giue,
and soule to thee, Lord graunt reliefe.
O Lord I doe thee humbly pray,(as thou art fountaine of all rest:)
Be thou my succour, helpe, and Stay,
let me by thee this night be blest.
Consider me in my weaknes,and let thy carefull eies behold:
My miseries, and my distresse,
to cry for mercy make me bold.
And since t'is time that night now bringsof bodies rest, & quiet sleep:
Oh shadow me vnder thy wings,
let thy protection safe me keepe.
Looke ouer me with watchfull eies,when this corrupted flesh of mine:
In slumbering sleepe, and dulnes lies,
depriu'd of sence with closed eyne.
Vnnable, my poore selfe to saue,from dangers of the darksome night:
Keepe me my bedd, else is my graue,
and I shall neuer see the light.
Lord thou that onely mak'st me dwelland in sure saftie to abide:
(Thou watchest ouer Israell)
watch ouer me, be by my side.
Thou art my Castle, and my fort,my Sword, my Buckler, & defence:
My Rocke, my Refuge, & Comfort,
saue me from force and violence.
Alasse, without thee what am I?a beast that rightly nothing knowes:
A senceles block a sillie flie,
that no good doe, nor no good showes.
Thy louing fauour Lord extend,ouer the house, wherein I rest,
My bed with Angels Lord defend,
my spr'it by thy spr'it, be possest.
Oh, lie me downe in rest and peace,in rest and peace, O let me rise:
In rest and peace, O giue some ease,
from torments, troubles, teares & cries.
Let not the sleights of sinne deceaue,nor wicked practize ouertake me:
Let nothing me, of hope bereaue,
Oh, doe not thou (though all) forsake me.
Lord I am poore, Oh make me rich,with those great riches of thy blessing:
My soule, my soule, is blacke as pitch,
let pardon follow my confessing.
In hope of this, I lie me downe,depending on thy prouidence:
I care not if the world doe frowne,
for I am safe by thy defence.
Lord let it be, for I am thine,my rest make sweete & comfortable:
To thee I doe my selfe resigne,
lord graunt all this, for thou art able.
The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule | ||