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Philomythie or Philomythologie

wherein Outlandish Birds, Beasts, and Fishes, are taught to speake true English plainely. By Tho: Scot ... The second edition much inlarged

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VVhilome within the Persian gulfe did haunt
A fowle much like our greedy Cormorant,
Cal'd Onocrotalus, who vsde to prey,
On fish, or fowle, or beast which past his way.
He had a crop vnder his bosome wide,
In compasse like a sacke, and thereto side.

Much harme and spoile he did, for none could passe
But fild his pouch, if bird, beast, fish, it was.
At length th'oppressed birds, with fish, and beast,
Petition to their Soueraignes, and request
Aide and protection gainst the open wrong,
This tyrant daily did, and had done long.
The beasts vnto the Lyon made complaint.
Birds to the Eagle. Fishes did acquaint
The Seas great Emperour the Whale. with griefe,
They all sustain'd, and all implor'd reliefe.
Long was it ere they could be heard, for still,
The Cormorant, (for so we call him will)
Had many friends in euery Court, which he
Maintainde with large shares, and full liberall fee.
For still his gorge full laden, ready stood,
And when they mist else-where they here had food:
Food of each kinde, for euery stomacke fit,
And such as fauorites were, had part of it.
Long thus he put them off, yet at the last,
By counter-bribes, their weake petitions past.