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The hovse of correction

or, certayne satyricall epigrams. Written by I. H. Gent. [i.e. John Heath]. Together with a few Characters, called Par Pari: or, like to like, quoth the Deuill to the Collier

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Destruit ædificat mutat quadrata rotundis.

Destruit ædificat mutat quadrata rotundis.

A man there was (which here shall not be nam'd)
that with great cost a wondrous building fram'd;
But as the building rose, the Builders purse
Did pine in substance, (Builders common curse.)
It cost him many a pound: but that's no matter.
Slightly being built, the building gan to tatter:
And by mischance, downe salls of it a part.
The Workmen (they being glad with all their heart)

Come to their Master, thereof to complayne,
And askt his leaue to ayse it vp agayne.
Nay soft (quoth he) it is a question whether
More may fall downe; let's set vp all together.