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The Protestants Vade Mecum

Or, Popery Display'd in its proper Colours, In Thirty Emblems, Lively representing all the Jesuitical Plots Against this Nation, and More fully this late hellish Designe Against his Sacred Majesty. Curiously engraven in Copper-plates

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They conceive mischief, and bring forth vanity, and their belly prepareth deceit. JOB, Chap. 15. v. 35.

Thus the faln Angels did in Counsel sit,
Each Cherub fil'd with deep infernal wit;
The Pandæmonium bent beneath the crowd,
And their contrivance is by all allow'd:
From thence to Rome the bloody Edict's hurl'd,
That they might plot the ruine of the world.
Close in Consult, th'Apostate Fathers doom
(Apostates to the Faith, though not to Rome)
A dreadful sentence on this peaceful Isle;
Not doubting its success; like Hell they smile,
When any doubtful Soul it doth beguile.
A Nuncio streight is to the Spaniard sent,
To give a Model of the Popes intent;
Which he applauds, not daring to controul
His Holiness, lest he should damn his Soul:
The Duke of Parma too, ere aid's requir'd,
(Spur'd by success, and by his zeal all fir'd)
Affords his help, commands a Naval force,
And's quite resolv'd upon this bloody course.
The Pope to hasten such a glorious evil,
Allows a Million too to bribe the Devil.
Great preparations on every side
Are making—
And the Sea begins to swell with pride:
Th'Armado's fix'd, and its vast entrals grown
Big belly'd now with Rubbage of their own;
The Horse and Foot promiscuously are stow'd,
Till Neptune stagger'd with the mighty Load:
The Sails are hoisted whilst the wind sits fair,
And acclamations fill'd the troubled air;
The hollow ecchoes from the shore rebound,
Which Trumpets answer with melodious sound:


The confus'd discords follow from the strand,
Till they have lost their clamour with the Land.
Thus puff'd with pride, on mischief they are bent,
Ruin's their aym, which Heav'n does still prevent.
Could'st thou imagine, Rome, that Heav'n would still
Wink when you Plotted to destroy and kill?
He not in Blood Religious Basis laid,
'Twas undefil'd till you its stamp betray'd,
And with base Metal its true Quoin Allay'd.
He that moves thus to have his Faith run even,
Has quite mistook the way which leads to Heav'n.