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The poems of John Marston

Edited by Arnold Davenport

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To Detraction I present my Poesie.
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To Detraction I present my Poesie.

Foule canker of faire vertuous action,
Vile blaster of the freshest bloomes on earth,
Enuies abhorred childe, Detraction,
I heare expose, to thy all-taynting breath
The issue of my braine, snarle, raile, barke, bite,
Know that my spirit scornes Detractions spight.
Know that the Genius, which attendeth on,
And guides my powers intellectuall,
Holds in all vile repute Detraction.
My soule an essence metaphisicall,
That in the basest sort scornes Critickes rage,
Because he knowes his sacred parentage.
My spirit is not huft vp with fatte fume
Of slimie Ale, nor Bacchus heating grape.
My minde disdaines the dungie muddy scum
Of abiect thoughts, and Enuies raging hate.
True iudgement, slight regards Opinion,
A sprightly wit, disdaines Detraction.
A partiall praise shall neuer eleuate
My setled censure, of mine owne esteeme.
A cankered verdit of malignant Hate
Shall nere prouoke me, worse my selfe to deeme.
Spight of despight, and rancors villanie,
I am my selfe, so is my poesie.