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Vor to porchassi hom mete & þe king goffar
Þat was king of þe lond þo he was iwar
Þat such folc was ariued as me sede vp his londe
& nuste wat folc it was to hom he sende is sonde
To wite ȝweþer hii wolde pais oþer hii nolde non
His messagers as hii wende vorþ comen & mette echon


Corineus mid is compaignie as hii wende an honteþ þere
Hii esste anon at corineus hou hii so hardi were
To honti ope þe kinges lond bote þe king hom ȝeue leue
Corneus seyde þat he nolde noman esse leue
To honti & to winne is mete & to abbe solas & game
Þe maister of þe messagers Imberd was is name
He bende is bowe & sset anon to corineus to gronde
Corneus nom is bowe of him & ȝaf him ane wounde
Anowarde is scolle mid his owe bowe anon
Þat is scolle to brec in peces manion
His felawes þo hii seie þis bigonne to fle echon
& tolde þe king vore hou þe gome was al igon


Þe king made him vroþ inou & lute wonder it was
Þat strange men in is owe lond dude a such trespas
Þat asaileden is lond & to robberie drowe
& robbed is bestes & is game & is men so slowe
He wende viþ al is poer & asailed hom anon
Brut & corineus preste were & hor men echon
& smite an bataille strong þat no tunge telle ne may
Þe folc þat þer was aslawe in eiþer side a day
Corineus suerd sone brac so strong he smot & vaste
Vor no suerd ne miȝte mid is dunt longe dure ne laste
Mid him he adde an strong ax þat maniman broȝte to deþe
So strong & gret þat an oþer hit ssolde hebbe unneþe