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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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Ane sang of our corrupt nature, and the only remeid thairof.
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Ane sang of our corrupt nature, and the only remeid thairof.

We wretchit sinners pure
Our sin hes vs forlorne:
Thairin all creature, consauit is and borne
Sin hes wrocht vs sic paine,
That we without remeid
Condempnit or and slane, to hell, the deuil & deid
Lord haue mercy on vs, Christ haue mercy. &c.
Our warkis can nocht be
As dois the Law requyre:
Nor ȝit can satisfie, our Fatheris wraith and Ire
Na deid can mak vs fre
From our greit sinfulnes,
Bot Goddis Sone must die, for our vnrichteousnes.
Lord haue mercy on vs, Christ haue &c.
Or had not Christ bene send
Cled in our vyle nature,
Fra hell vs to defend, our deidly wound to cure.
And willingly to die,
Fra Sin to mak vs clene
We had Eternallie, In hell condampned bene,
Lord haue mercy on vs, Christ haue &c.
Man now hes thy peace,


Sic lufe God schawis the
He takis the in his grace, his mortall Ennemie.
Throw Faith in Christ sa kynde,
Quhilk frely gaif him sell
On Croce for to be pynde, to saif vs fra the hell.
Lord haif mercy. Christ haif mercy. Lord. &c.
This we suld euer beleue,
And nocht dispair for sin:
For hel cānot vs greue, the deid nor deuil thairin
We ar maid Iust and rycht
And fred from panis sore,
Throw christ ye Lord of micht, blissit for euermore
Lord haif mercy, Christ haif mercy, Lord. &c,
Thairfoir lat vs loue and pryse,
God the Father feruentlie.
We thank ane thousand syse, his sones Maiestie.
We pray the haly Gaist
Our sin to mortifie,
And not dispair, bot traist gods word maist faithfullie
Lord haif mercy, Christ haif mercy, &c.