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Sonnet. [i]

[In my first Yeeres, and Prime yet not at Hight]

In my first Yeeres, and Prime yet not at Hight,
When sweet Conceits my Wits did entertaine,
Ere Beauties Force I knew or false Delight,
Or to what Oareshee did her Captiues chaine;
Led by a sacred Troupe of Phœbus Traine,
I first beganne to reade, then Loue to write,
And so to praise a perfect Red and White,
But (God wot) wist not what was in my Braine:
Loue smylde to see in what an awfull Guise
I turn'd those Antiques of the Age of Gold,
And that I might moe Mysteries behold,
Hee set so faire a Volumne to mine Eyes,
That I [quires clos'd which (dead) dead Sighs but breath]
Ioye on this liuing Booke to reade my Death.