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The poems of George Daniel

... From the original mss. in the British Museum: Hitherto unprinted. Edited, with introduction, notes, and illustrations, portrait, &c. By the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart: In four volumes

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Scorne returned.

Are you the only faire, false Silvia? noe:
'Twas I that gave the lustre to your Eyes;
And sung your Beauties greater farre & moe
Then Nature gave, or all the flatteries
Of your deluding Glasse could ever Show.
I plac'd a liveing Rose
On either Cheeke; and drest
Those Lipps faire, which disclose
Pearles, in their liveing Nest.
I drest, with polish't Ivorie that brow,
And to your lockes put all the Sorceries
Of Nature; 'twas I, brought
All perfect Lineaments vnto your fframe;
And in huge Numbers taught
A Character of Beautie, in your Name.
Then are you fond, to flye your owne desert;
And your neglect, may bring my Love to Scorne;
Ile chuse another, who in everie part
Shall have more Sweets; farewell, oh false forsworne;
Ile bring an Æthiope, and with small endeavour
Raise better feature there, then you had ever.