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The Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania

Written by the right honorable the Lady Mary Wroath

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[Who can blame me if I loue?]

Who can blame me if I loue?
Since Loue before the World did moue.
When I loued not, I despair'd,
Scarce for handsomenesse I car'd;
Since so much I am refin'd,
As new fram'd of state, and mind,
Who can blame me if I loue,
Since Loue before the World did moue.
Some in truth of Loue beguil'd
Haue him blinde and Childish stil'd:


But let none in these persist,
Since so iudging iudgement mist,
Who can blame me?
Loue in Chaos did appeare
When nothing was, yet he seemd cleare:
Nor when light could be descride,
To his crowne a light was tide.
Who can blame me?
Loue is truth, and doth delight,
Where as honour shines most bright:
Reason's selfe doth loue approue,
Which makes vs our selues to loue.
Who can blame me?
Could I my past time begin,
I would not commit such sin
To liue an houre, and not to loue,
Since loue makes vs perfect proue,
Who can blame me?