University of Virginia Library

Ecce in iniquitatibus conceptus sum & in peccatis concepit me mater mea.

Beholde he sayeth, what mannes kynde is
In wretchydnes, I am conceyued ywys
And also my mother, hath conceyued me
In many synnes, and moche vylte
For there dwelleth a man, in a dercke dongyon
That is full of fylth and corrupcyon
Wherin he had, no maner of fode
But foule glat, and waltsome blode
And when that he hyther come was
From his mother wombe, that foule place
And was here brought, in to this worldes ryght
He had neyther power, ne myght
Neyther for to go, ne on fete stande
Neyther to crepe in fete, ne in hande
Than hath a man lesse myght, than hath a beest
When he is newe borne, and semeth leest

For when a beest is ybore, than it may go
And doth his kynde here euermo
But a man hath no myght, in his yongeheade
For he may nat go, but as men doth hym leade
For he may nother go nor crepe
But lye and spraule, crye, and wepe
For a chylde is nat fully ybore
That it ne cryeth as thynge forlore
And by that crye, men tell can
Whyther that it be woman or man
For when it is borne, it cryeth swa
And yf it be a man, it sayeth .A.
And that is the fyrste letter of the name
Of Adam our father that brought vs in blame
And yf it of a womans kynde be
When it is borne, it soundeth .E.
E. is the fyrste letter, who that taketh hede
Of the name of Eue, that brought vs in drede
Therfore a wyse Clarcke, made in this maner
A verse that telleth, of that same matter.