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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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11 Of liberality in giuing nothing.

I heare some say, and some belieue it too,
That craft is found eu'n in the clouted shoo:
Sure I haue found it with the losse of pence,
My Tenants haue both craft and eloquence.
For when one hath a suite before he aske it,
His Orator pleades for him in a basket.
Well Tenant well, he was your friend that taught you,
This learn'd Exordium, Master, here cha brought you.

For with one courtesie and two Capons giuing,
Thou sauest ten pounds in buying of thy liuing.
Which makes me say, that haue obseru'd this quality
In poore men not to giue, is niggerality.