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[The Courte of Vertu

contaynynge many holy songes, Sonettes, psalmes and ballettes] [by John Hall]

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An example of praier against idolatrous tyrātes, that set vp false worship, in the reproche of Gods true worshyp.

An example of praier against idolatrous tyrātes, that set vp false worship, in the reproche of Gods true worshyp.

Out of the .Cxv. Psalme.

If vnto vs poore mortall men
No prayse is due of very ryght,
Howe are they mockte and blynded then,
How farre are they from perfect sight?
That to a stocke or dead Image
Wil geue such laude as god should haue?
How vayne is he howe doth he rage
That doth Gods glorie so depraue?
The whiche sinne and most vyle offēce.
Dauid did so abhorre and hate,
That he a Psalme in Gods defence
Compiled hath: that eche estate
May vnderstande howe farre awrye
They wandred be from righteousnes,
The lyuing God that doe denye,
By an Image or false lykenes.


And therfore doth all men exhorte
To feare the lorde and in hym truste:
Whiche is a true and sure comforte
To all that in his hope are iust.
His harpe in hande he therfore tooke,
And on his knees this noble kyng
(As it is in the Psalter booke)
This holy Psalme began to synge.

Non nobis Domine.

Not vnto vs lord, not to vs
But to thy holy name alwayse,
For thy mercy & truthe done thus,
Ascribed be all laude and prayse.
These heathen folke that faythles be,
Why should they saye to vs in spighte?
Where is their God let vs hym see,
In whom these Christians haue delyghte
For their false Gods their chiefe & best,
Are nothyng but syluer and goulde:
The handes of men both most and lest,
Haue forged them out of the moulde.
Yet haue they for their idols made
Mouthes, wherwt they can speak nothing
And eyes also wherof the trade,
Is to be blynde from all seyng.
Suche eares also in them are wrought
As heare nothyng that one can tell:


And noses whiche are likewyse nought,
For they with them can nothyng smell.
Uayne handes haue they and fete also,
For with their handes they handle not:
Nor with their feete they can not goe,
Nor sounde no voyce out of their throte.
Wherfore suche as doe Idols make,
Doe their owne workes resemble iust,
And they also that doe them take
For Gods, or haue in them their truste.
Let Israell then in the lorde
Set all their truste and confidence:
And Araons house therto accorde
For he is their most sure defence.
All ye that feare the lorde aright,
Truste in hym well be not afrayde:
For he will surely shewe his myght
To succoure you and be your ayde.
The lorde will not forget doubtles,
But haue vs in his mynde full well,
The ryghteous houses he wyll bles
Of Araon and of Israell.
Ye that doe feare the lorde therfore,
Are blessed both the great and small:
The lorde increase you more and more,
Both you and eke your children all.


For sithe ye are his chosen sorte,
And haue the lord whole in your thought,
He wyll you blesse with great comforte,
Both heauē & earth that made of nought.
The heauens and the firmament
Are his and at his holy wyll:
But the rounde earth he hath forth lente
The sonnes of mortall men vntyll.
The dead O lorde that are gone hence
Can not in graue expresse thy wayes:
Nor suche as downe are in sylence,
Can honor thee or geue the prayse.
But we O lorde that be alyue
Thy prayse wyll spreade and ramifye,
And in our hartes due thankes contryue
Unto thy name eternally.