University of Virginia Library

Canzon. 11.

[How wert thou pleased with my pastorall Ode]

How wert thou pleased with my pastorall Ode,
(Which late I sent thee) wherein I thy Swayne
In rurall tune on pipe did chaunt abroad
Thee for the loueliest lasse that trac'd the playne?
There on thy head I Floras chaplet placed,
There did my pipe proclayme thee Sommers Queene:
Each heard-groome with that honor held thee graced,
When lawnie white did checker with thy greene.
There did I bargayne all my Kids to thee,
My spotted Lambkins choysest of my fold,
So thou wouldst sit and keepe thy flock by me:
So much I ioy'd thy beautie to behold.
How many Cantons then sent I to thee?
Who though on two strings only rays'd their strayne,
To wit my griefe, and thy vnmatched beautie:
Yet well their harmonie couth please thy vayne,
Well couth they please thee, & thou terme thē wittie:
But now as fortunes change, so change my dittie.