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Lvcans Pharsalia

Containing The Ciuill Warres betweene Caesar and Pompey. Written In Latine Heroicall Verse by M. Annaevs Lvcanus. Translated into English verse by Sir Arthur Gorges ... Whereunto is annexed the life of the Authour, collected out of diuers Authors

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The Argvment.

This doth great Pompeys dreame relate,
And wailes withall hi haplesse Fate.
His eager troopes would battell haue;
Tully the same doth likewise craue
With filed speech, to giue content,
Pompey (though loath) yeelds his consent.
Prodigious signes appeare in sight:
Both Armies in point to fight.
The Chieftains with couragious words,
Inuite the souldiers to their swords.
The battels ioyne, and Pompeys hoast
Is ouerthrowne, his Campe is lost.
To saue himselfe away he flies;
Cæsar a victors Fortune tries,
The spoyles he freely doth bestow
Pharsalias field with blood doth flow.